Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

UUMMANNI OROMOO USA keessa jiru dhaamsa kana waliin gahaa… Call Your Senators TODAY!


Senaateroota Keessaniif Bilbilaa!

Since its initial involvement, the U.S. Government, through the Agency for International Development and predecessor
agencies, has assisted the Ethiopian Government’s development program in numerous activities in the fields of agriculture, health, education, relief and rehabilitation, industry, transportation, public safety and public administration, community development, social welfare and housing, communications media and private enterprise.

(Mootummaan USA durii kaasee kallaattinis ta’ee karaa dhaabbilee/jaarmiyaalee mit-mootummaatiin mootummaa Itoophiyaa gargaaraa tureera. Gargarsi kun bifa lama: Grgaarsi tokko gargaarsa misoomaa -qonnarratti,barnootarratti,bulchiinsa gaarii irratti, fayyaa fi kkf irratti yo ta’u kan biraa ammoo gama humna woraanaa leenjisuu fi tumsuu ti.)
Ethiopia is one of the largest recipients of donor aid in Africa, receiving almost US$4 billion in 2014, which amounted to approximately 45 percent of its budget.

Itoophiyaan gargaarsa mootummaa USA argachuu irratti Afrikaa keessaa biyya duraa(matoomaa) ti. Bara 2014 Doolara US Biliyoona 4 argatte. kun ammoo dhibbentaa 45 (45%) baajata Itoophiyaa kan woggaa ti.
Ethiopia continues to enjoy unquestioned support regarding human right volitions from foreign donors and most of its
regional neighbors, based on its role as host of the African Union (AU); its contribution to UN peacekeeping, security and
aid partnerships with Western countries; and its stated progress on development indicators.
(Mootummaan Itoophiyaa sababa Nagaa eegsisuuf loltoota isaa biyya gara garaatti ergituu fi Finfinneen teessuma Gamtaa Afrikaa waan taateef hanga fedhe dhiibbaa mirga namoomaa fi cunqursaa saba ofiirratti gaggeessullee biyyoota ollaa fi biyyoota lixaarraa deeggarsa hin dhoorkamne! Biyyoonni lixaalleen mootummaan kun mootummaa lammiilee ofii cunqursuu fi ajjeesu ta’uu beekanulle ”Waan fira keennaa hin dubbannu- saree badduu taatulle teennuma” nuuf ergama jechuudhaan dhimma mootummichaa ukkamsanii dhoksaniifii irra tee’aa jiru.)


Please take just 5 minutes to call your two United States Senators and bring to their attention gross human right violations against Oromo schoolchildren by Ethiopian Government. Simply dial the Capitol Hill and ask to be connected to your U.S. Senator or call you senator direct phone number found on the link at the bottom this page. After being connected, ask for the health legislative assistant. If you reach his/her voicemail, leave ashort message. After hanging up from that office, please call the Capitol Hill switchboard again to be connected to your second U.S. Senator or call his/her direct phone number from the list.

(Hundi keennayyuu yeroo keennarraa daqiiqaa 5 fudhachuudhaan senaateroota state keennaaf bilbiluudhaan dhiibbaa mirga namoomaa cimaa Oromoorratti gaggeeffamaa jiru itti haa himnu. Bilbiloonni senaateroota naannoo /state maraa armaan gaditti argama.Laakkofsa san bilbilaa yo bilbila isin jalaa kaasan health legislative assistant barbaanna jedhaatii waan biyyatti deemaa jiru ishitti/isatti himaa. Yo namni kaasu hin jirre ammoo dhaamsa keessan voice mail irratti dabarfadhaa. Haa woraabbamu. Erga tokkoof bilbiltaniin duuba kan biraatiifillee bilbilaa. Senaatera lamaaniifuu bilbiluu hin irraanfatinaa. )
Talking Points for your calls

(Dhaamsi keessan akka armaan gadii ta’uu qaba.)
Hello. May I please speak with the [YOUR SENATOR].
Bakka [YOUR SENATOR] jedhu maqaa senator keessanii itti galchitu.

(Please leave a message if you reach voice mail)
Waamee waamee Voice mail yo dhaqqabdan dhaamsa keessan woraabsisaa.

Yo namni isin jalaa kaase ammoo:
Hi, this is (name) from (city and state). I am an Oromo American/Oromo Community Member or whatever your

(An ebelu jedhama state kana keessa magaala kana jiraadha, jettanii ; an lammii Oromoo fi Ameerikaa ykn jiraataa Ameerikaa saba Oromoo keessaa dhaladhe jechuudhaan hojii keessanillee himtanii dhaamsa keessan dabarfattu.)

If you reach his/her assistance, please ask Senator (name) to help with human right violations in Ethiopia.
(Gargaartuu/gargaaraa isaa yo argattan Senator abalu barbaade jechuudhaan Dhiittaa Mirga namoomaa Itoophiyaa keessatti gaggeeffamaa jiru irratti akka nu gargaaru barbaanneeti jechuudhaan itti himaa)

If you are required to leave message please use the following:
(Yo ergaa voicemail dhiistan taate akkaataa armaan gadiitiin dhiisaa)
1. [Ask] to give special attention to the gross human rights violations being inflicted by the Ethiopian government against
Oromo people in general and Oromo students in particular.

(Dhiittaa Mirga namoomaa Itoophiyaan barattootaa fi uummata Oromoorraan gahaa jirtu xiyyeeffannaa addaa akka itti kennanu/ akka dhaabsisanu gaafadhaa)

2. [Ask] to pressure the regime to stop killing Oromo students and to release those who are serving jail sentences without the right to a trial.

(Mootummaan Itoophiyaa barattoota Oromoo ajjeechaa akka dhaabuu fi kan hidhee jiru(hidhamtoota siyaasaa) hatattamaan akka gad-dhiisu gaafadhaa)

3. [Ask] to devise political and/or economic sanctions where and when necessary to bring urgency to this issue.
(Yo mootumman sun hidhaa fi ajjeechaa hin lakkifne ta’e gargaarsaa irraa dhaabuu fi qoqqobbii itti nuuf godhaa jechuun gaafadhaa!)

4. As U.S. taxpayers, I demand accountability at the highest levels when our resources used for any purpose, especially
as foreign assistance for the countries with gross human right violations. Therefore, I ask that U.S. funds are not enabling
rampant human rights violations, including by members of the Ethiopian security forces that seem to rely on a system of

(An nama mootummaa Ameerikaaf gibira kaffalu (U.S. taxpayer) dha. Mallaqni narraa guurame mootummoota abbaa irreetiin gargaaruu keessan nan morma. Gibira nu kaffalluun mootummoonni mirga namoomaa dhiitan ittiin qawwee bitanii nama fixuu hin qaban!)
Link to find your senator phone Number: please click on the link

(Lakk bilbilaa senaateroota keessanii armaan gadirraa argattu! Irratti click godhaa)
Call Your Senators
Waamicha Kana kan Qindeesse Gurmuu Deeggarsa KFO
/OFC International

Here listed the 22 most relevant states, Senators Names and Phone #
1. Tennessee
Bob Cooker: (202) 224-3344
Lamar Alexander (202)2244944
2. Ohio
Sherrod Brown (202) 224-2315
Rob Portman (202) 224-3353
3. Iowa
Chuck, Grassley (202)2243744
Imst Joni (202)2243254
4. California
Barbara Boxer (202) 224-3553
Diannie Feinistein (202) 224-3841
5. WA, Seattle
Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441
Patty Murray (202) 224-2621
6. Chicago
Richard J. Durbin 202) 224-2152
Mark Kirk (202) 224-2854
7. Atlanta
Johnny Isakson (202)2243643
David Perdu (202)2243521
8. Colorado
Michael Bennet (202)2245852
Cory Gardener (202)2245941
9. Arizona
Jeff Flake (202) 224-4521
John McCain (202)2242235
10. Maryland
Benjamin Cardin (202)224452
Barbara Mikulidki (202) 224-3753
11. Pennsylvania
Robert Casey (202)2246324
Patrick Toomay (202) 224-4254
12. Oregon
Jeff Merkley (202)2243753
Ron Wayden (202)2245244
13. Wisconsin
Ron Johnson (202)2245323
Tammy Baldwin (202)2245653
14. Texas
John Cornyn (202)2242934
Ted Cruz (202) 224-5922
15. Virginia.
Tim zkaine 202)2244025
Mark Warner (202) 224-2023
16. Minnesota
Amy Klobuchar (202)2243244.
Al Franken (202) 224-5641
17. Massachusetts
Edward Markey (202)2242742.
Elizabeth Warren (202) 224-4543
18. Newyork.
Charles Schumer. 202) 224-6542
Christen Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
19. South Dakota
John Thune (202) 224-2321.
Mike Rounds (202) 224-5842
20. North Carolina
Tom Tillis(202) 224-6342.
Richard Burr. (202) 224-3154
21. Lasvegas
Vitter David (202) 224-4623.
Bill Cassidy (202) 224-5824
22. North Dakota.
Heidi Heitcamp (202) 224-2043.
John Hoeven. (202) 224-2551


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