(Oromedia, 20 March 2012) In some cities of Oromia Afaan Oromoo classes are substituted by Amharic languages by dividing the school system into three categories as a means of abridging the rights.
According to our sources from Oromia, the Ethiopian government thorough its ministry of education reversed part of the constitutional rights of the Oromo people under its rule in many ways.
Among these infringements on the democratic and human rights of the Oromo people as seen recently perpetrated on them by the regime is the infringements on the very gains of the constitution of the country that allows nations and nationalities to exercise the right to read and wright in their mother-tongue at least atelementary school education level. But those rights are daily abridged by cutting on curriculum in areas ceded to other nations and nationalities, and now being extended to even cities in Oromia regional state proper. The recent abridgements of rights are imposed on two cities in central Oromia: Mekii and Bishoftu.
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