ARDUF condemns in the strongest terms possible the brutal mass murder purportedly of Oromo pupils of Elementary, Secondary and Universities in four corners of Oromo Region by TPLF/EPRDF ruled tyrannical repressive regime. We, ARDUF, express our sincere condolences and sympathy particularly to the families of the victims and people of Oromo Region and Ethiopians in general. These students have been deliberately massacred by TPLF/EPRDF regime solely because for peacefully expressing their rights to freedom of expression during the peaceful protest organized against the destructive Master Plan and enforced mass eviction of local farmers in Oromo region.
We learnt that hundreds of students have also been critically injured; dozens of innocent people have been arbitrarily arrested, detained, disappeared their only crime was taking part in peaceful protests. ARDUF equally and strongly condemns the brutal massacre the TPLF/EPRDF dictatorial regime has committed against people in Gondar. We also condemn the arbitrary arrest, detention and torture of civilians in Oromia, Afar, Ogaden, Omo Vally, Gamo-Gofa, Amhara and Gambella regions. For the last 24 years, peace loving peoples of Ethiopia have been systematically marginalised and persecuted by TPLF/ EPRDF regime. In Gambella and in the South Omo Valley, Afar, Ogaden, Oromia, Sidama and Amhara regions, the TPLF’s unlawful practice of forced eviction and compulsory displacements are still actively taking place without their free, prior and informed consent. No consultation no compensation. The current unjustifiable mass manslaughters and politically motivated arrests and extra-judicial killings of innocent civilians highlights the regime’s inability and failure to promote and respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. It shows the fake federal system is TPLF machination to elongate its divide-and-rule ARDUF calls on all Ethiopian people to raise their voices in unison and get rid of this tyrannical rule and establish United, Democratic Ethiopia of all its peoples.
ARDUF calls again upon all opposition groups, civil society and students of all Nationalities of Ethiopian to urgently coordinate their democratic struggle to maintain the unity, sovereignty and political independence of our beloved Ethiopia in this momentous and decisive time. Victory to the heroic freedom fighters (UGUUGUMO) & Long Live Ethiopia Military Command Centre (MCC) Information Desk Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF) Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF) UGUUGUMO
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