We Oromo/Americans living in the Washington DC metro area are outraged by the continued Human Right violations the Ethiopian Government committing against Muslims and non-Muslims of its citizens. As far as we are concerned and as far as we know international Human Right organization such as Amnesty International, Human Right Watch and others including the US Commission on Religious Freedom as well as the 2013 State department reports on human rights on Ethiopia have acknowledged that the Ethiopian government is interfering in the religious affairs of the Muslims and the Muslims peacefully demanded the government to stop imposing a religious ideology of its choice on them.
In light of the current upsurge of serious human rights violations in Ethiopia, we strongly urge the following:
Last but not least, we strongly denounce the statement Prime Minister Haile Mariam gave and characterized Ethiopians in the Diaspora using words un-befit for a prime minister. Especially we condemn the words he used to degrade the hard working women who had to escape poverty risking their lives to work and provide for their families at home.
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