Oduu Haaraya

‪Oromo Protests‬…Abu Dhabi – Sky News Arabia

May 2, 2014 – 12:08 GMT Abu Dhabi

Killing at least 9 people and injuring 70 others, in this week’s student protests in southern Ethiopia, including a grenade attack, according to the government confirmed in a statement late Thursday.

The government has accused the forces of “anti-peace” inciting violence, while opposition groups accused the police of brutality.

According to the statement, which was published by the state news agency, has caused massive demonstrations to “the loss of lives and property” in many university towns in Oromia, Ethiopia’s largest states.

And has control over the riots, which began Wednesday, after “that the publication of the students, are confused because of the deliberate misleading rumors, chaos,” according to the statement.

5 people killed in the Lambo, which is about 125 kilometers south of Addis Ababa, and three people near Peder, about 415 km from the capital, according to the statement, which did not give any details about the circumstances of their deaths.

The grenade explosion in Alemaya, just 366 kilometers east of Addis Ababa, killing one person and injuring 70 others.

According to local media, the students were protesting against government plans to expand the administrative control of several towns in Oromia, sparking fears of placing the hand on the land.

However, the government accused the leaders of the demonstrations of trying to destabilize the country.

The population of Oromia about 27 million people, and is the most densely populated federal states, and its inhabitants speak their own language which is different from the Oromo Amharic language of Ethiopia official.


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