Oduu Haaraya


Firehiwot Guluma Tezera

According to many Ethiopia Medias and FBI has foiled an attempt by the Ethiopian government to assassinate anti weyane or TPLF. Please note here I said the Ethiopian government since there seems to be no thin line between the TPLF party and the government. Why I am not surprised? I am not surprised because for the TPLF violence is sanctioned by the party leaders as a legitimate tool to achieve political, economic and military dominance.

In Ethiopia they are known for carrying weapons conspicuously, brandishing them at will and revealing in their thuggish behaviour. They are the kind that administers summary judgment on street corners, bars and clubs.
How was TPLF Chairman, the recently departed Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi able to achieve this goal in Ethiopia? The simple truth is by using violence to silence, intimidate, and eliminate his and the party’s actual or perceived enemies using any means necessary. You do not need to be a Sherlock Holmes to detect this pungent smell of gun powder around most Woyanes.
Mengistu Hailemariam prepared the perfect ground for TPLF to flourish. He has already disarmed the population, delegitimized the family system and used the lowest denominators to be in charge of the Kebeles. TPLF inherited a demoralized, confused and tired population to mold in its own image.

The first target of this terrorist organization was the OROMOS educated citizen. The University was stripped of its most experienced and independent thinkers. In ’94 the University was a former ghost of itself. The political system was dealt in a harsh way.
Violence was the main calling card of the TPLF. Every opportunity he got the sick dictator used to trash our country and our history and every opportunity they got his security department used to bully, intimidate and made to cower with fear. My dear fellow citizens, you know there is nothing new in what I am telling you. Some have witnessed it, plenty have experienced it and a vast majority would try not to think about it. The shame is unbearable.
One thing about TPLF is it is not a behind the curtain type of organization. It practically advertises every hit and all illegal acts. They use their criminal action to send a clear message to the citizen. That is why they insist that all are aware and versed on their mode of operation. They use their Television news, their newspapers and radio to send warning messages before they take action. When the unthinkable happens some are heard to say ‘he/she was warned but refused to listen-they deserve it!” You see the victim assumes the blame.
They have been systematically killing any and all emerging Oromo’s. They have goon squads that go around intimidating anybody they perceive to be a challenge. They use beating and flogging opponents to shame them in front of family, friends and a whole village. They use blackmail as a tool. They use the law to break the law. Meles used to amend the Constitution in a weekend. Even the Constitution is not worth any respect. Once you trash the Constitution what is on your way? As Oromos in exile we should take the actions of these criminals seriously. It is true there is no criminal without the victim. Sometimes it is unfortunate things happen but you really can’t leave your door open and cry about being robbed do you? It is time we accept responsibility. WE OROMO people that are facing the brunt of TPLF abuse should wake up and face their coward enemies. By now it should be clear silence is not the answer. The one year and half anniversary by our Muslim citizens is clear indication the regime does not listen to reason. The steadfastness of our Muslim brother should be applauded and emulated by the rest of us. The call by our Orthodox and protestant church and WAKEFETA OROMOS in exile for every one of us to safeguard our religion and our country is a timely reminder.
The fact that we have muscle now is a very empowering feeling. The cooperation between our OLF and as.
Woyane dogs are not going to wake up one morning and pack and leave.We have to push them out. That is the only proven way. Anything else invites more abuse.

Victory for Oromo peoples.
Oromia shall be free!!!

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