Oduu Haaraya


Guyyoota muraasa dabre kana ololli hogganootaafi jaarmaya OMN maqaa xureessuu irratti fuulleffate gama adda addaan oofama akka jiru ni beekna. Hamma ammaatti dhimma kanarratti qaamni hoggansa OMN waan tokkollee hin dubbanne. Sababni isaas maddi dubbii kanaa hariiroo hojjataafi jaarmayaa kan seera ilaallatu waan ta’eefi. Hamiifi komiilee deddeemaa jiran hoggansi sadarkaan jiru sirritti erga ilaaleen booda qabxiilee armaan gadii kana ummataaf ifa godhuun barbaachiseera.

OMN hojjataas ta’ee hoggansa sadarkaan jiru heeraafi seera lafa kaayateen adabuu, hojirraa kaasuu ykn olguddisuuf mirga guutuu qaba. Akkasumas hojjataan ykn hogganaan tokko yeroo fedhetti caasaa jaarmaya beeksisuun hojii gadi lakkisuuf mirga guutuu qaba.

Hanga ammaatti hojjataan OMN irraa ari’ame tokkolleen hin jiru. Ji’a darbe kana keessa hojjattoota lama irratti tarkaanfin bulchiinsaa (disciplinary action) fudhatamuun dhugaadha. Erga adabbii kennameef fudhatanii booda fedhii isaanitiin hojii gadi lakkisanii jiran. Hojjattoota kana dhabuun keenya nu gaddisiisus kun mirga akka hojjataa tokkootti heerri bulchiinsa OMN fi seerri Ameerikaa isaanif kenne waan ta’eef ni kabajna. Gumaata hamma ammaatti jaarmaya kanaaf godhaniif ni galateeffanna. Gara fuulduraas jaramaya kanaan waliin bifa adda addaatiin akka hojjatan abdii qabna.

Haa ta’uutii, erga hojjattoonni kun bahanii booda hamiin bifa gara garaatiin ummata keessatti facaafamaa jiru, imaammata, adeemsa hojii fi kaayyoo OMN gaggeessaa jiru wajjin kan wal-faalleessudha.OMN dhaabbata walabaa fi karaa dhugaa qabatee haqa ummata Oromotiif kan dhaabbatee hojjataa jirudha. Kanas, qabtamaan hojiidhaan agarsiisaa jira. Imaammata editoriyaalii keenya, Qophiilee fi Oduu OMN tamsaasaa ture www.oromiamedia.org irraa hordofuun ni danda’ama. Ammallee, OMN dheebuu odeeffannoo ummata keenyaa baasuuf halkaniif guyyaa tattaafachaa jira. Yeroon kan hojiiti.

Daaw’attoonnifi deeggartoonni OMNis kana hubatanii bifa tasgabbaa’een OMN sadarkaa guddaatti ceesisuuf tattaaffii godhamaa jiru bira akka dhaabattan asumaan dhaamsa keenya dabarsina.

OMN sagalee ummata keenyaa ta’ee hojiisaa daraan cimee ittifufa.


Dr. Hamzaa Abdurazzaaq, Dura Taa’aa Boordii OMN

Girma Tadesse, Daareektara Koree Hojii Raawwachiiftuu

Dr Birhaanuu Dirbabaa, Gulaalaa Muummee

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One comment

  1. I don’t think you have addressed the issue at hand, gentlemen. The issue is not about the two OMN employees who have left. It would not make any difference whether they left the organization of their own free will or dismissed, since the organization has the right to hire and fire people like any other organization. If those dismissed believe that they have been wrongfully dismissed, they have the right to sue the organization. The issue is an alleged discrimination toward a job applicant. The individual claims that an OMN recruiter (whom she named) asked her if she was willing to remove her religious head cover and she responded negatively. She believes that she did not get the job because of her head cover. This is the ISSUE you need to address. This is a very serious allegation that should not simply be ignored because discrimination is what we as Oromos have faced and been fighting against. And it is the very issue that necessitated a medium of our own. Besides, discrimination based on the protected grounds is illegal in the U.S of A. That is one reason that you need to address the issue in a manner that is complete, transparent, and with the view of solving the problem. The other reason is that since you have alluded to the fact that those individuals who left the organization created the rumour to retaliate, it is to your own advantage that you resolve the issue instead of beating around the bushes. If this is not done, the consequence will be grave. I, for one, as a paying member will consider withholding my donations until this issue is fully addressed and completely resolved.