Oduu Haaraya

Attack on Civilians in Wollo Oromia Special Zone

Tensions in the Wollo Oromia Special Zone (located in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia) have flared, with reports that Amhara regional forces and Fano militia opened fire on Oromo civilians in Jille Dhumuga district on January 20, 2023, killing at least seven.

On January 24th, the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) issued a statement claiming that the Amhara regional government coordinated and led the attacks with the support of Fano. They also claimed that at least 63 civilians had been killed as a result of the attacks and that thousands of civilians were forced to flee their homes.

OLLAA condemns this recent attack against civilians in the Wollo Oromia Special zone, and notes that this is far from an isolated incident, but, rather, part of a series of attacks against Oromo civilians in the area.

Read the Full PR: Attack on Civilians in Wollo Oromia Special Zone

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