Oduu Haaraya

Call for Oromo Community Public Forum and Solidarity with Oromo Students and People – January 2, 2016

Dear All,

As you all aware, the protest ignited a month ago by the Oromo students at different level (University, High School, and Elementary School) against the implementation of the Evil plan which expands the city of Addis Ababa into the neighboring Oromo farmer’s land and displaces millions of Oromo farmers from their ancestral land is currently at its critical stage.

More than 122 Oromo Nationals have already been brutally gunned down, hundreds wounded and currently suffering in different Hospitals for lack of adequate medical supplies or getting no treatment, and thousands thrown into most notorious Jails in Ethiopia by Government’s Federal Police and Agazi forces.

The Killing, beating, imprisoning, and torturing of the peaceful Oromo protestors has continued in aggressive way. It is clear that the current wave of violence by this regime is part of the long-term plan of systematic destruction and elimination of Oromo identity

Despite the recent declaration of War by Ethiopian Government officials, the Oromo People have determined to continue their Peaceful straggle. As a result, more brutal actions of Government’s Federal Police and Agazi forces on peaceful Oromo protestors will also be expected.

Realizing these critical situations, the Oromo Community Organization of Washington DC has cancelled the scheduled Annual New Year Party Program for 2016 in order to organize Oromo Community Public Forum & Financial support for the victims and their Family:

Date:   January 2, 2016 from 4:00 – 8:00 PM.
Venue: Washington Ethical Society, 7750 16th St NW, Washington, DC  20012.

The purpose of this Public forum is to

  1.  Discuss the current critical situation of Oromo People in Oromia
  2.  Discuss the next   steps we need to take in addition to what have been done
  3.  Provide financial support for victims and their families to show Solidarity

Therefore, we call up on all Oromo Nationals and friends living in Washington DC and Metropolitan Area to participate in this mandatory forum and donate your contribution to show solidarity with Oromo people in general and Oromo students in particular who scarified  and still scarifying their lives to defend the right of Oromo People.

Solidarity with Oromo Students and People!

United We Stand Divided We Fall!!

Best regards,

The Oromo Community Organization (OCO)
6212 3rd St NW Washington DC 20011
Telephone: 202- 234- 1151
Email- info@oneoromo.org
Website: www.oneoromo.org

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