Jigjiga,about 80 kilometers Eastern of the city of Harar,and the regional capital of the 9 provinces of Somali (Ogaden) region,a region its inhabitants are predominantly Somali and Muslim,which is sealed off international Journalists and aid agencies by the Addis Ababa regime has been a scene of terror for the last couple of years.
,Jigjiga university students that consist of Oromos,Sidamas, Afars, and Somali ethnicity have been conversing and exchanging letters written on them “let’s protest against the dictatorial regime in support of murdered students in Oromia region” Qorahay Media reports.
Outraged by the unnecessary killings of the innocent Oromo students that protested against,Tigray Peoples Liberation Front,the ruling party’s endeavor to annex the Capital City of Finfine (Addis Ababa) in part of the Oromia state,the Jijiga University students’ plan to protest on Friday was delayed by death threats from the head of the Liyu Police and Regional Security officer of the Ogaden Administration,Abdirahman Labago’le,” The report said.
The message of the head of the notorious Liyu Police,Mr. Labago’le, was clear and simple “,any one that’s caught organizing a group of students in part of agitating,mobilizing an uprising should be killed at the scene. Ogaden region is not like Oromia region you can be killed and buried your corpse in an unknown place without the International Communities’ awareness”,The Source said.
Ethiopian government believes that the protests had been encouraged by “media inside and outside the country” and regards as driven by forces that have an intention of “an evil purpose”.
According to Intelligence sources, Tigray Peoples Liberation Front,TPLF, dominant faction of the EPRDF coalition in Ethiopia worried about Tigray,while the government is quietly disintegrating before the 2015-election.
Officials from the most powerful Ethiopian oppositions groups, Ogaden National Liberation front and Oromo Liberation Front, have been conversing amid the increasing tension in Ethiopia, even though they have met several times in abroad in this year ,so many things of what they have discussion still left unknown.