Oduu Haaraya

obboo Leencoo Lataa Gaaffiin duchisiifte

Bara 1990 moota keessa Leencoo Lataa erga biyya bahee booda,biyya galee deebi’uun isaa ni yaadatama! akkamitti nagaan seentee deebitee? jedhamee gaafatamnaan,sana Mallas Zeenaawwi gaafadhu barbaaditi jedhu mee isin akkamitti ilaaltaan???

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Dhaabbanni Itiyoo-telekoom olaantummaa dhalattoota saba tokkoo qofaan kan dhuunftameedha

Ragaan sanadaa loogummaa fi olaantummaa dhalattoota saba tokkootiin dhuunfatamuu Itiyoo-telekoom saaxilu OMN harka seenuu itti …


  1. Joortuu akkana kanaan qabsoon keenya hogganamaa turte

  2. Obbo Leenco’s response to that particular question was filled with arrogance and lack of confidence. Melese is dead and Lenco should know better. His response can be described as underminig the intelect of the wider public, for which he is notorosily known.

    In the same token, Kadiro could have stood firm and milk out of him the right answer for that question. He could have said ‘Melese is dead but you are alive and you have to account for any agreement you made on behalf of our people’ But as a journalist Kadiro terribly failed on this point. If you are shy and scared journalism should not be your preferred profession.

  3. Ajaa’iba kuni baay’ee nama dhiba.Obbo Leencoon gaaffii isaaniif dhihaate kanaaf deebii akkasii kennuun isaanii baa’ee raajiidha.Deebiin issanii kun maqaafii mul’ata haaraya qabannee kaane jedhan kanarratti dhiibbaafii gufuu hamaa akka tahu obbo leencoon kandagatan fakkkaata.Kanarraahiis waabarachuu kan qabu ummaata taha.Hundumaa ol ammoo warra amma isaan faana hiriiran ODF ofiin jedhaniif haadhiifnu.Eegaa yeroon waan hedduu mul’isa,waan dhokataa ture huda ifa baasa jira.Kuni ummata keenyaaf hubannoo garii kenna je’een amana.Warra gaaffii ummataa kana kaasanii gaafataniif ammoo hujii gaarii seena qabeessa waan taheef jabaadhaa,galatoomaa jenna.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  4. I think this gay or obbo lecho lata he work with tplf undercover hegat salary h arka lafaa jalaatin kanaafu qiciice qabsoon bilisummaa oromo
    Obbolencoo lata secreti guudo qabaachaa turee fakaata motumaa weyaane wojjin akkan arma dura shakaa tureefi amma interview isaa irrati dhagaheeti

  5. Dhuguma obbo Leencoon, agendaa kan dhoksaa sana osoo hin beekin ifatti jalaa baye. garuu ummani oromoo durattuu itti beekkatee jira. kanaaf,” bineensi lama nama hin nyaatu” jedha oromoon yoo mammaaku

  6. Tesfaye Wayessa

    Oromoo humneesun salphaa miti, kanafu warrii yaada qabdaan dura kitabaa Obboo Leencoo Lataa dubissaa, waa yaada keenut osoo bobabatan irraa wayyaa ture, garu dandeesifi humnissaa wan hinjireefi hojii dhan waa argun baheessa. Maa charterra seenee maalfi hijeenee? waan guda bufannee bannee ammas qabsoon yoo biyyaa sennee Oromoon harka lama bufataa achii wan kasaruu hinqabuu.

    • Obbo tasfaye attummaanu kitaaba lenco waan sirritti dubbiste natti hin fakkatu oromoon lammata hin gowwoomu kanaaf dhugaa jiru haaluun irra dibuun hin hojjetu lammata

  7. Kkkkkkkkkkkkk dubbii ajaa.ibaati akkam duuba mee gaafiin kun waan nama aarsu qabaa ajaa.iba

  8. First of all I would like to appreciate OMN qualitative and merited response to Oromo national interest.Kadiro elemos quality and accademic excellnce out shined the hopeless arrogant and fade up assumed him self as par excellence Oromo politician.Is Lenco Leta the politician we assumed for forty years!!!!.He exposed himself who he was and who he is? He was the master of all mysteries and all the mess in OLF. The first day his appearance in OLF base, Baro Tumsa was assassinated.from logical point of view his arrival and the assassination seems there is a link..He didn’t interested to give detail information.Why?? what is left to keep as secret?again when he was asked how he was married to WEYANES he replied arrogantly like street vagabond. can any OROMO exüects from such assumed himself but worst dictator from the outset.. is ODF agenda is to replace by another arrogant Oromo dictator worse than habeshans:OMN IS A BITTER TEST FOR LENCO,keep it dig
    Leeqa,,you remind me there is a saying every boss has a dog.

  9. what do expect from arrogant wayne double agent exposed himslf , as we have seen recently how far wayne wil go to silence its opposions. lench leta is still disrespectenig the intellegence of oromo people.