Oduu Haaraya

The Psychological Pathognomonic Syndrome of Settler-Colonial Abyssinia

Part II

Odaa Hora

“If the fish knows water, It has never urinated back to it

The elegant phraseology “If the fish knows water, It has never urinated back to itprecisely pronounces the behavior of the offsprings of diver-invaders of the contemporary Settler Colonial Abyssinia (SCA) as we call them the Nafxaanyaa Safaries (NS) mushroomed reproduce, grown fat as a beached whale by preying upon the resources of Oromia and the entire south and their livelihoods. They get rich and mad like rabid dogs infected with Pseudo ethiomania virus that has been hibernated at least for ca. five decades and operated in a viral mode to suggest heuristically to refer to the evolvement of the SCA that began by invasion-occupation-settlement-exploitation of the land and its resources, and labor of colonies by committing settler–genocidal acts.

As a result, she established a permanent obligate dependent structural top-down operative system such as Cisseenyaa, Gebaara, Siiso, etc. For the last three decades, It turned fashionable these terms have been replaced with “development, investment” The fact on the soil speaks diametrically the opposite. It has been an intentionally planned project of elimination of the targeted people from their ancestral soil by as “terra nullius.” and belittled to unscrupulous, super–greedy, firms, States, individuals by committing, irreversible. Genocidal-ethnocidal and not forget ecocidal disasters.

Settler-colonial Abyssinia or Nafxaanyaness has meant nothing more than the acquisition of the lands of the south people who moved with the premise of eliminations of the indigenous people by committing settler genocidal and ethnocidal acts and claim the ownership of the stolen land and maintain its status quo by all means. That is all about SCA, and the whole rest A (Andit Aethiopiachin) to Z (Zemene Abiy) that has been a fictitious and junky delusion that the entire population incarnated within one of the most backward predatory empires must be packed in one, erased from our land and mind and thrown into the garbage once and forever without a shadow of a doubt for a second. The only recipe that uproots Nafxaanyaness and as a result, there is nothing to lose except the burden and gain freedom, peace and prosperity, harmony the people within, their flora and fauna and the universe within which they live.

Land is life, and there is life without land. Acquisition of land means the acquisition of the life or death of the targeted people, and that is all about contemporary Nafxaanyaa daydreamers  who intend to resurrect the acts of half– a devil and half-an Abyssinian’s (mezzo diavolo e mezzo abissino) outlaw warlords like Tewodros, Menelik, Tefere the fascist in the grave-yard more precisely in hell, in jahanam as their heroes and beat a dead horse today in the 21st century and punches above their weight, As an elegant Oromo phraseology, have it: “Jaraa yo qaban kan qabaa hinguunnee.”

The people of the south lived with harmony with each other with respect on their from God-given soil, history, cultures, moral, and ethics before the coming of the chauvinist and fascist Nafaxaanyaa Safaries –virus, the alien of the north who mushroomed in the south and disseminated the virus throughout the region. Even more, now they claim the ownership of the land and the properties they have stolen just yesterday without the slightest shame.

The brought right now more than ever the most cursed working horse assimilated fascist, Abiy Ahmed Ali in the forefront to commit the dirty job by the very majority of the people incarcerated in one of the most backward SCA Abyssinia Empire. Fascist No2, Abiy Ahmed;  half– a devil and half-an Abyssinian’s (mezzo diavolo e mezzo abissino) today in the 21st century, the century of Alpha, i.e. the Qeerroo-Qaarree generation the centuries. Since April 2018 the Pseudo ethiomania virus that has been hibernated at least for ca. five decades relapsed and with the highest mortality, killing has been known to rise exponentially from days to days, from weeks to weeks, from years to years once Fascist No2, Abiy Ahmed substituted Hailemariam Desalgen the puppet of Fascist No1, Meles Zenawi.

He intends to lead to the resurrection of the myths, ballads of Nafxaanyaa Safaries that were brought to the graveyard in 1974 ca. five decades ago. i.e.two generations backward biological and in a century of highest technological know-how as it has never been know in human civilization. He dreams to achieve his goal by employed and deployed an ill-trained collection of out-casted hooligans’ from the streets, brain drained, turned them into Pavlov dog and dispatched them within the entire Oromia that the world has destined conducting sadistic grotesque and barbaric acts of crime against humanity that no word or healthy human being can digest unless he or she is a sadist. The moralless, ethicless hordes running like a rabid dog from home to home and killing indiscriminately, raping, looting, hunting, caching them from their homes or working place and packing them in a concertation camp like a sardine.

The legitimization of substituted assimilated slave mind the recruits of Fascist No-1, Mele Zenawi and his puppet Hailemaraim Desalegn’s reserve bench Abiy Ahmed Ali enforces to conclude as the fatal and irreversible erratum that allowed the raise of the worst fascist I call him Fascist No2 of all series tyrants known since the invention of the backward and barbaric predatory SCA empire in the third quarter of the 19th century that we have not been destined to witness.

Thus the contemporary tyrant named Abiy Ahmed Ali could not be otherwise except that the gray matter of his cocoons filled with porridge packed implanted with myth and ballads of “the Ethiopiwent” as a result of a colonized mind where the facts have been erased in-process of Amharaization or /Habeshanization. He turned to the prefect assimilated product i.e. working horses that his masters’ dream of to serve the Nafxaanyaa Safaries to his last breath.

That makes him the worst fascist of all since the invention of the backward and barbaric predatory empire that has not been destined to witness. Abiy plagiarized so-called the first written institutionalized and proclaimed by the slaveholder and serfdom establisher of the petty-feud personalized and proclaimed in 1931 as his the empire and revised in 1955 as his property that the contemporary NS camouflaged with “Prosperity Party.” 

The contemporary Nafxaanyaa Safaries mushroomed  Oromia and the entire south who get mad like a rabid dog have been the offsprings of diver-invaders who flew from Habesha or Abyssiain proper, from the barren chains of plateaux, impassable mountains mostly over 4,000 feet above sea level of the north-eastern fringes of the Africa content. She has been known since history has been known in written form as the terra of chronic hunger, relentless wars, barbarisms, a flight of the mass who can and seek refugees or die, etc, within the region. 

As a result, all of the above eternal phenomena turned the global ID card of the downtrodden masses of the estimated at least a hundred million plus population whereby eight-nine to hundred distinct ethnos—cultural indigenous populations of the Horn of Africa have been incarcerated within one of the most backward and predatory empires on this planet that hold today in the 21st century. 

Independent of time that we can easily figure out singularly when and how they arrived into the south, We and they know that they come as a walking skeleton, with hair and ripped clothes crawling with lice and an empty stomach flew from dying from chronic hunger, otherwise, no health whose has what he or she need for life cloud never leave his place of birth, even a wild animal. That is an indisputable fact to begin from.

When one rises the fundamental and simple question, such as why did not they stayed where they were? The blasted innate pathological liars, profile themselves as “civilization missionaries.” In the cocoons of semi-illiterate and absolute arrogant Nafxaanyaa Safaries. Civilization means living by plundereíng, looting the properties and resources of the people with whom they settled who welcomed them and gave them pice of turfs to live. That has been the deep-rooted cultural DNA and anomaly of corruption, bribery, moralless-ness, and greed that they took through their maternal colostrum and inherited their offsprings the masters of myth and ballads who grown fat as a beached whale. 

The contemporary Settler Colonial Abyssinia (SCA) or the Nafxaanyaa Safaries invented parallel to the European-colonization of the African continent notoriously known as The Scramble for Africa, 1884-1885, Berlin Act documented by Sir. Edward Hertselet in two Volumes: The Map of Africa by Treaty 1824-1902., The European-colonizers who meet in Berlin picked her out of the entire African continent turned to be a singular shareholder.

The flooding of European modern war machinery and falling in the hands of the backward cruel Habesah Chieftains ideological, military trainers, Advisor, mercenaries, finances lead to conquer the formidable forces in the region for the first time throughout centuries historical encounters at least for about four hundred years. The contemporary SCA, as we call them Nafxaanyaa Safaries (NS), Vampire Empire has been born. The half– a devil and half-an Abyssinian’s (mezzo diavolo e mezzo abissino) alien of the north have been dispatched scattered and settled with the people of the south by eliminating and displacing the indigenous people. They raided. caught them, hold them as house slaves, concubines, sold them like cattle, and turning them to serfdom. They established contemporary.

Abyssinia, the European derivative of Habesha proper must be understood as the settler colony that they did not owe any turf in African content indeed. In other words, they are allochthonous who settled by displacing the autochtonous of the region with whom they settled in the horn of Africa independent of time. Thus any graphic that intended to draw the unbroken line in any form is erroneous.

But here, just for the seek of orientations two departing points and the landmass in between may give a sense. That is Aksum in Tigray in the north and Gonder in the south ca.217 flight distance called Abyissain that was considered as the centers of Chieftains finally wh triumphed the butchery was “crowned” by their corresponding Debteras, renamed to new fictitious name and pompous title to extent that satisfies the psychic of the cruelest bandits.

The exodus from the north, completely impoverished and poor Habesah or Abyssinia proper toward the south, the Garden Eden South departed from the era of rival Gonderian bandits butchery as the scribes decorated it and called “Zemene Mesafint” which meant “ear of princes” instead of the eras of series of banditries, a life of Gafol; preying upon the local populations’ (Human Locust), barbarism, and chaos in the region. 

Although there have been some settler’s enclaves who lived within the north-eastern Tuulamaa Oromos before, Sahle Sellassie was the most effective barbaric invader and looter and expansionist among the offspring of diver-invaders who found refuge in the northeastern Tuulama Oromo Gosas (moieties), settled, lived and reproduced within the Oromo people they settled around Gooro Beelaa mountain called “Ankober” by deforming its original Oromo name. 

They attested and called “the Shawan Amharas” to themselves. i.e. meant “Pure-Amhara” in their cocoons than their northern ancestries whom they called the Gonderians or the Gojameians, a hidden pejorative and discriminatory implications as we know it, although they paid attributes to them in one hand and backed by them. One at a time it worth to keep in mind the intention they contest “Pure and Amhara” has been a misnomer indeed, and hold not a milligram of truth in all instance neither in history i.e. science nor in biology more precisely genealogy. 

Sahle Sellassie analog to the “Vikings” of Europe except that he was an inland slave raider, livestock looter, and invader. From 1827-1843 out of thirty raids, two raids per-annual, within Tuulama Oromos, only in six expeditions he looted at least a quarter-million head of cattle and human captives right from Ankober to Finfinnee according to Professor Mekuria Bulcha’s seminal work Contours of The Emergent & Ancient Oromo nation. That indicates in his thirty vandalism he had raided one billion and two hundred fifty million head of cattle. 

As W.Harris, an eye witness reported that the outlaw bandit Sahle Sellasse held daily labors of three thousand slaves alone in Ankober. He was solely dependent upon the exertions of slaves. Sahle Sellasse was alleged to be the grandfather of the pitch-black,” Leopold II of Belgium Congo” with pox marked skin, and funny nose, Sahle Mariam, the genocider, renamed to “Menelik II” in Finfinnee (Entoto) in 1889; in the last quarter of the 19th century to the very date. An estimated one hundred thousand (Min) to one hundred forty thousand (Max) Nafxaanyaa Habesahs, the northern as they called (Gondarain, Tigrains, Gojameians) plus the so-called “Shawan Amhara” safaris have been to settled around Finfinnee displacing by eliminating, evicting, turning them slave, working horses. He billeted the entire territory of the centra Tuulaama Oromo land to his Nafaxyaa hordes.

He established a Nafxaanyaa (settler’s military garrisons) structure and renamed Fifinnee or Shagar to “Addis-Ababa” by erasing her original names and culture-by committing settler genocidal (physical elimination) and ethnocidal (cultural elimination) acts of the autochthonous Oromos of the Gaalan moiety of Tuulama first, and the rest such the Baarentuus, etc., to follow soon. Henceforth Finfinnee turned the core of Nafxaanyaa Safaries outlaw chieftains commanding and controlling epicenter and expansions toward the people of the south as a whole people one deposing the other at gunpoint in most cases and consolidating power in one-man hand and controlled the SCA by pointing guns at the forehead of the downtrodden mass of the population incarcerated within one of the most backward and barbaric empires in this inhabitable planet.

The fact that they self-designed and wished and behaved as “superior” may work on graphics but the fact has been diametrically the opposite right from the begging for granted. First, the term Habesha (mixed) or Abyssinia is self-explanatory that means people without known genealogy. And it has been a crystal clear fact that we know that they can scarcely trace their nearest grandfather late alone to speak from “purity or Amhara” that they cannot even define both words what it meant exactly, late alone in compound. 

When it is questioned automatically they jump to the fictions of near east Asian folklores that arrived in the middle-ages what they plagiarized more precisely copied in face value, inserted their names as they wished, and personalize it in the processes of translations to their local creole language later on called “Amharic.” Once Finfinnee failed under their hand all warlords who catapulted to the power of control to the very date adopted intentional policies program of north-south exoduses without limits one among them was the so-called “settlement programs” of the military junta, followed by the TPLF clan rebel-militias, “Investment” and the current fascist, the recruit of TPLF so-called “Prosperity.” It all means, to steal land and resources by all means by eliminating the indigenous people of the south from their ancestral soil and pack them in concentration camps till they die, and that is the fact of the matter where there are no ifs, ands, or buts. The fact that they have been known as blasted innate pathological liars, genociders, and ethnocides throughout and what is running now on the soli is nothing new. It is the continuation of a cascade of committing crimes against humanity, the default of SCAs rule.

The desert TPLF- guerrilla rebel militias camouflaged with EPRDF who looked like Zombies i.e.walking skeleton, with hair and ripped clothes crawling with lice, an empty stomach and empty pocket as their feet held Finfinnee, the placenta land the great Oromo nation, the Garden of Eden in summer 1991. The masterminded fascist architect Meles Zenawi singularly targeted the great Oromo nation as a prime nemesis, planned and executed to reduce the great Oromo nation to half of their demographic dominancy, to impoverish them, to stand naked, leave empty stomach to sleep.  He operated similar if not identical to Nazi–Germany. For more details see, ANALOGY OF NAZI GERMANY AND TPLF-EPRDF OF FAKE ETHIOPIA ELIMINATION POLICIES at https://oromolandorg.wordpress.com.or  http://bilisummaa.com

The ca .three decades fact and figures tones of evidence of crimes have been known and documented in all forms, and millions of victimizing who survived the gruesome acts of the brute of regime sponsored physically and mentally terror and horror whose wounds wound are yet  draining pus, as a result of sub-human and  barbaric acts of torchers, rapes, physical and mental disabled and the pains are yet fresh, waiting for justice to prevail if the Ethos of Genocide never again that was coined to in real human life but not only in leaflet after the aftermaths the WWI and WWII.” The tones of evidence which have been available in all forms qualify the first four backbone of the UDHR out of thirty articles of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 stated if the world upholds and defends its credo as they signed and  Genocides and ethnocides, the worst crime against humanity never again: 

Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 

Thus the led to the conclusion that TPLF- guerrilla rebel militias camouflaged with EPRDF were supposed to be in detention centers of the International Criminal court (ICC) for the crimes they committed against humanity, the right place they deserved to sit beside Charles Taylor of Liberia or Thomas Lubanga Dyilo of DRC. Yet they all are l move free with blood smeared hands and heinous acts they committed including their underdog recruit and spy agent AbyiA Ahmed Ali without a shadow of a doubt. 

Yet the world is silent, blindfolded, and defended, and they all move free with blood smeared hands and feet, and continues their business as usual even in its worst form, since Fascist No2, Abiy Ahmed substituted Hailemariam Desalgen the puppet of Fascist No1, Meles Zenawi as it has never seen in the region. As the Genocide watch, emergency alert considered that Ethiopia ruled by Abiy to be found at stage 9: Extermination out 10 Criteria of Genocides. https://www.genocidewatch.com/ethiopia.

It is a shame to the world community most importantly the so-called westerners the moral apostles of Democracy, Human rights, Freedom, etc, as they often read to the world when they are in front of the camera only, and they are good for nothing unless materialized, implemented vividly. The psychological pathognomonic syndrome must be understood as the content of the package of SCA, while, one could/cannot be materialized without the other, and it must work in concert. First, there were myths and ballads of Near East Asians that arrived through Alexandria Egypt and decorated and called “Kebere Negest” and “Fetha Negest,” and redundantly plagiarized, glass ceiled and protected and defended with all tools war machinery, ideological propaganda and political shields, finances, and advisories provided by the foreigners, the European and their extended families like the USA. Without this composition, and playing as in concrete, there has been no known as Abyssinia since the ear of the arrival of the Portugues mercenaries, musketeers, and cannons in the 1540s until the end of WWII, and replaced with stolen and fake Ethiopia. 

  1. Masters of Plagiarism

Right from the beginning, the Habeshas or Abyssinia of the European version and later on the SCA has been founded on Plagiarism of the folklore of the Near east Asian text, more precisely, a translation, copy and paste, insert and delete and personalization into their local creole language called Geez by Debteras semi-illiterate clergies who scarcely know what the read and preach. Nevertheless, they picked up a pen and rewrote imported fiction, myths, legends, tale-tales they plagiarized decorated it with hyper-inflated propaganda of heroism, bravery, uniqueness, etc, and called it here is “our history.” Whereas, the indigenous population of the entire Horn of African with whom the settled turned to the people without a history in their cocoons and the rest absolute illiterate mass followed them like sheep who follow its shepherd.

What was known as the Habesha or Abyssinia of Europe layer on turned to be used interchangeably to distinguish the Semitic settler stocks in the north-eastern fringes of the African continent juxtaposing the burning deserts of the Red seashores and the impassible mountains turned to Settler Colonial (Nafxanyaa Safaries) Abyssinian (SCA) of the entire South to their place of birth. The region has been notoriously known for the relentless wars of village outlaw bandits against each other, for their barbarism, chaos, and the dying of the downtrodden helpless poor from chronic starvation, and hunger that turned to her eternal global Id card that holds to the very date

Plagiarism has been the central pillar of the Psychological Pathognomonic Syndrome of Nafxaanyaa Safaries of the Habeshas or Abyssinia killer hordes they brought with them toward the south. Without Plagiarizing the myth and ballads of NEAF Abyssinia can note exist late alone the Nafxaanyaa Safaries who flew from mushroomed within the entire south for the last two centuries that and established the contemporary Settler-Colonial Abyssinia by default so far history is in concern. They attested and decorated themselves in a written form claim that the blood of so-called Solomon (the poorest bandit shepherd in near east Asian) if at all he existed and die-hard to persuade the others to their last birth. There can be no better and perfect example where the facts speak for themselves as Teferi Mekonnen, the self-denial who officially attested to himself “the Tribe of Judah.” from the vacuum. The myth of the fictitious “tribe of Judah.“ That myth turned into a major psychological anomaly of innate pathological liars syndromes. 

In the terra of absolute illiterate nomadic mobile hordes and their outlaw local chieftain leaders who preyed upon the livelihoods of the local populations who considers them as human locust plague (obligate dependent predatory settler viral modus –operandi where they temporarily settled until nothing has left to pick up even for chickens, and moved to the next victims.There were no constitutions known in any forms late alone in a written until the self –denier who attested to him selef “the tribe of Judah” from vacuum after consolidated political power through treachery and internal coups d état vs. Zewidtu in 1930. His scribes translated and plagiarized the documents of Emperor Meiji of the Japanese Empire, plus the Russian King (Sar) on face value. They replaced the name of both Emperors with his name decorated it and proclaimed it as his constitution in 1931 for the first time in written form. 

The military junta, Coronel Mengistu Haile Mariam, who come from nowhere and hijacked the revolution of mass downtrodden known as student revolution of the people incarcerated in the serfdom and slavery in one of the most backward empires who overthrow the warlord the despotic fiefdom-feudal monarchy Teferi Mekonnen in summer 1974. After killing Teferi, and his circles, the hooligan Coronel plagiarized Soviet “Socialism” at face value that he knew nothing except the name of his three prophets’ graphics hanging in his office. He turned to the “son of Leonid Brezhnev of the USSR,” who promised him to provide him with all tools that the poor power—geared military junta in desperately needed even an “atomic bomb,” 

If he needed it. Once the Kalashnikovs have been at his hand to the extent the hooligan soldier Mengistu needed, the program of eliminations begins right from the next person beside him by employing and deploying the recipe of Stalin of soviet on face value. Once he secured his narrow cohesive circles, the extension of the program of eliminations stamped as his prime enemy as “anarchist” to a wider population of the mass downtrodden population incarcerated with the empire. He turned the backward empire to battle felid, the terra of killing, hunger, relentless wars flights, and incarcerations for seventeen years solid.

He turned to super dictator called the father of red terror and killer who ruled with regime sponsored terror and horror maintained the power by Kalashnikovs pointed at the forehead of the mass downtrodden population or those stamped as “anarchist or terrorist” as it suits him. The pitch-black-killer “Stalin” of the SCA Empire was finally forced to fly out of the empire in the last hour orchestrated by the USA to Harare, Zimbabwe, and saved his neck.

The TPLF-rebel gangs’ leader Meles, Zenawi who deposed the military junta plagiarized in summer 1991 in his turn “federalism,” “revolutionary democracy” and turned to the brutal, ruthless absolute the tyrannical regime who moved with the premise of eliminations “terra nullius” targeted the Oromo people right from the placenta land of the Oromo People Finfinnee to the west, to the east and the south of the neighboring countries under the rule of a command post.

Except for their names, they attested to the tyrants of the Nafxaanyaa Safary Habeshas who climbed up to the political power and controlled it with one man hand have been virtually similar if not identical in reality since they occupied Finfinnee to the very date with some insignificant cosmetic makeups. The legitimization of substituted assimilated slave mind the recruits of Fascist No-1, Mele Zenawi and his puppet Hailemaraim Desalegn’s reserve bench Abiy Ahmed Ali enforces to conclude as the fatal and irreversible erratum that allowed the raise of the worst fascist I call him Fascist No2 of all series tyrants known since the invention of the backward and barbaric predatory SCA empire in the third quarter of the 19th century that we have not been destined to witness.

Thus the contemporary tyrant named Abiy Ahmed Ali could not be otherwise except that the gray matter of his cocoons filled with porridge packed implanted with myth and ballads of “the Ethiopiwent” as a result of a colonized mind where the facts have been erased in-process of Amharaization or /Habeshanization. He turned to the prefect assimilated product i.e. working horses that his masters’ dream of to serve the Nafxaanyaa Safaries to his last breath.

That makes him the worst fascist of all since the invention of the backward and barbaric predatory empire that has not been destined to witness. Abiy plagiarized so-called the first written institutionalized and proclaimed by the slaveholder and serfdom establisher of the petty-feud personalized and proclaimed his own empire in 1931 as his property that the contemporary NS plagiarized by camouflaging with “Prosperity Party.” 

There dream as it has always been to control the great Oromo nation, and Oromia followed by the entire south by employing and deploying, moral and ethicless collection of gun-carrying mercenary killer hordes, hooligans with sub-human instinct, brutal man slaughterers, rapists, looters, incarcerators, assassins within the entire Oromia and the south as whole to safeguard the dying predatory SCA Empire’s status quo.

The NS of know for granted throughout their encounters on the battlefield who the great Oromo nation have been and are, the formidable forces that they must be first crushed at least in their dream. Most importantly they cannot forget the Micciille Gadaa that chased them back like a monkey to their barren-land mass and mountains terrains and shallow V-shaped caves to their place of birth, from where they come. 

Furthermore, the liberation struggle of the non –violent revolts of the giant mass of the great Oromo nation forces with unwavering determinations lead by Qeeroos and Qaareess, the avant-garde of QXG who stood firm against TPLF-EPRDF fascist gangs’ guns pointed at their foreheads, tanks rolling on them, sacrificed their life as it has never been seen in the history of the arrived at its goal and knocked the knee of the most backward barbaric predatory empire and brought her to collapse once and forever and to hammer the final nail into her Coffin and chased them back to Mekel-Tigray in 2018 from Finfinnee from where they come ca –three decades, unfortunately, as fat beached whale and Billonraies.

Thus the NS know for granted the giant forces of the great Oromo nation that chased the three decades of desert proved strong guerilla army of the TPLF-fascists clan can chase the dead born backward Nafxaanyaa Safaries that dream to turned back to the 1930 and to safeguard fictitious and junky elusion of only of one and half years old shall be wiped out. What turned them sleepless and nightmarish and lead them to act like a mad dog is a countdown ticking clock.

  1. Mimicry and Cheating 

There can be no better and perfect example to be noted as the contemporary fatheaded fascist, Abiy Ahmed Ali who deserved to be brought in the detention centers of the International Criminal court (ICC). Unfortunately, the fact went dramatically in the opposite side.  he substituted Hailemaraim Desalegn the puppet of fascist No1 Mele Zenawi. He came out of the whole political quagmire of OPDOs the conglomerates of the Prisoners of War (POWs) that the TPLF purposely branded as “EPRDF” in the Tigray desert in 1989 to serve as a working horse without questing and the GPS especially in Oromoia once the TPLF made a U-turn from liberator of Tigray to the invader of the entire empire toward the south once their feet held FInfinnee in summer1991. 

Mimicry and cheating have been the foundation and the means of maintains of the SCA in all spheres of life: Otherwise, she could have never existed on this planet at least in her contemporary form. The challenge question to find out the answer of mimicry and cheating have not who did but who did not. The OPDOs the latter O meant Oromo given by their creators for their working horse out of the prisoners of wars (POWs). They were well known and nicknamed as the collection of semi-illiterate militias who knew nothing except executing orders given by their masters who created them. The prisoners of wars OPDOS have no program late alone to be an Oromo Organization. They were created to be deployed and employed against the genuine and oldest fronts and the Avant-garde of the liberation forces of the oldest African nations the Oromo people, the OLF, and the IFLO.

The TPLF rebel gangs, the aliens of the north knew right from the beginning for granted that without deploying their working horses they have zero (nil) chance to survive late alone to rule for three decades. Thus the OPDOs must first mimic the Oromo people in the sense intended to speak a creole Oromo language, attest fake Oromo symbols, and cheat, insert and delete the oldest political programs of the OLF liberation, and some must begin to learn how to write and read Affaan Oromoo (Oromo language) in Latin alphabet. They fulfilled their duties given as the loyal working horse of the TPLF gangs and commands. They committed a crime against humanity; genocides and ethnocides from summer 1991 to summer 2018 for twenty-eight years solid and continued to the very hour. 

It turned to a ritual of hyper-inflated propaganda of pathological liars mouthpiece of Abiy propagations of their heroism, bravery, uniqueness, etc., of their ancestors, pretentiously and feeds the mass to follow them like sheep who follow their shepherds of Debteras, sim-illiterate clergies who can pick up a pen and write ballads and myth as the only asset for the shepherd of the settler-colonial Nefxaanyaaa-Safaries.

As the non –violent revolution of the great Oromo nation arrived at the point and knocked the knee of the most backward and barbaric predatory empire and brought her to collapse once and forever and hammer the final nail into her Coffin. Once the giant mass of non-violence revolts of the great Oromo nation forces lead by Qeeroos and Qaareess stood firm with unwavering determinations and sacrifices their life against the TPLF-EPRDF fascist gangs’ guns pointed at their foreheads, tanks rolling on them, as it has never been in their history against began to go back to Tigray.

Out of the final hours of a political quagmire of the OPDOs (working horses) Abiy Ahmed, a hidden spy military agent molted out and brought to the front stage. These have been the most regrettable hours in the history of the Great Orom Nation Liberation struggle and their historical allies who trusted the worst evil man. He began mimicking and cheating their natural given generosity of all people incarcerated within the empire. The direct offer of his act has been primarily the Great Oromo Nation. Thus what we are witnessing at least for the last two years, since April 2018 within the world forgotten backward and barbaric empire is an unpredictable fact to be digested and one must have a strong stomach to correspondingly and must move forwards. 

The majority of the people of the south most certainly the great Oromo nation who trusted the so-called “Reformist or Team Lemmaa dead –born child” under the mantra of “transition” that come out from within the political quagmire of OPDOs, the working horse of TPLF since their birth. Reform, a misnomer by itself camouflaged by Fascist Two to buy time and to be stable, broaden his mass bases by mimicking the audience’s where and whenever he stood or sat behind cameras to turn from transitional dictator to a permanent super dictator to hold the power and cling into it to his last air. It may be surprising to read the mind of the naivety of the mass gathering within the empire or abroad who entered to the level of Speechlessness and in a state of ecstasy and come to the point to consider a cold-blooded killer, a crocodile, Abiy Ahmed Ali as “a Messiah has come to save the only one Ethiopia of Nefxaanyaaa-Safaries.” 

A jackpot as in a lotto for Nefxaanyaaa-Safaries and Fascist No2, for the great Oromo Nation who sacrificed their life and brought them so far even nicknamed them as “Ijoollee Abba Gadaas.” Without shame to regret and pay the prices with their life, incarcerations. Testing the worst ca, the fascistic rule of three decades solid, where millions sacrificed their life, blood spilled, indiscriminately killed, raped, tortured and incarcerated may never again that the vast majority of the people an estimated hundred million plus hopped have been the transition to at least a better future a step forward from the rule of Fascist

The mobilization of the brute force by the TPLF-EPRDF fascist gang’s leader command post spilled the blood of thousands of in combat civilians from all walks of life, from a breastfeeding mother, pregnant women, Qeerroos and Qarrees, elderly men and women, etc. who stood firm in front of the Automatic Guns and Tanks. They gripped the entire system of the Empire all at one man hands controlled and established the rule of regime sponsored terror, and horror similar if not worse than the military-junta. 

Unlike the Nazis who were brought to the notoriously known international Criminal court; the Nuremberg trials were held from November 20, 1945, to October 1, 1946, and punished for later as they flew back to Tigray in summer 2018 from where they come they turned fat like fattened pigs for slaughter and Billionaires and the brutal genocidal gangs and the killer hordes yet move free and must be brought to ICJ before they leave this planet with blood smeared hands Since their feet held Finfinnee, in summer 1991. 

Fascist No2 intentionally mimicked ing and cheated the natural and the innate generosity of peace-loving Oromo nations cultural nurturing followed by the vast majority of the people incarcerated within this prison-house. They began quoting sacred Oromo Gada terminology, such as Naga’aa, Araara Mogaasa, Gudifachaa, Haammachisa, lists without limits, just echoing from what they heard and read like Radio. They deployed it as the best weapon to mesmerize the great Oromo nation, a placebo effect to stand firm with them to the extent not only to call them “Ijoolee Keenyaa” even to support, to protect, and to treat them as such. The Fascist No2 was used as a prelude to turning from weak to a stable fascist. 

A fatal and irreversible erratum right from the beginning of the euphoria that gradually but surely turned to misery. A bitter pill to swallow and regret the most to the great Oromo nation instead of bringing them to the international criminal turbine who trusted the evil men that turn to the shepherd of the offspring of the fascist Nafxaayaan Safariers settlers who moves the logic of the elimination of the great Oromo nation right now.

The swindlers blasted liars turned not only the bottlenecks of Liberty, Humanity, Peace, the region and the Liberation of the Great Oromo nation and their alikes but to the global Security in the entire Horn of Africa, Humanitarian catastrophe, hunger, flight, genocides similar if not identical to the era of Miltary junta.

The running war of three ego-centric individual tyrants, Abiy (PP), Debretsion (TPLF), the “Kim Jong-un” of the Horn of Africa Isayas of Eretria who committed the worst crime against humanity Genocides and ethnocides have been qualified for the crimes they committed against humanity for which tones of evidence have documented in all forms and are available, and millions of victimizing who survived the gruesome acts whose wounds of torchers are yet fresh, physicality and mentally disabled waiting for justice to be at least heard the heinous act for a long time past to sit beside Charles Taylor of Liberia or Thomas Lubanga Dyilo of DRC in detention centers of the International Criminal court (ICC). 

The deep-seated lazy bun character of flaw NS who preyed upon the lively hood and the resources of the entire south since their feet held the soil. By plundereíng and looting the properties and resources of the people with whom they settled they grown fat as a beached whale. From deep-rooted cultural anomaly of corruption, bribery, moralless-ness, and greed that they took through their maternal colostrum turned mad like a rabid dog since summer 2018. 

The contemporary commander, the cold-blooded killer Nafxaayaa hordes moved with the premise of elimination of the great Oromo nation and their alikes. That has been the major accomplishments of Fascist No2  who mislead and cheated the world to come to the level to be awarded the world “Nobel Prize.” To cold blood killer which tones of evidence have documented in all forms were available, and millions of victimizing who survived the gruesome acts whose wounds of torchers are yet fresh, physically and mentally disabled waiting for justice to prevail. I could not mind telling the fact. How stupid can a so-called Nobel committee be redundantly accomplishing dirty jobs, by injecting cocaine in the cocoon of the Abiy Ahmed Ali, Fascist No2.

Although both fascists singularly targeted the great Oromo nation as a prime nemesis as a master Meles Zenawi, fascists No-1 planned to reduce the great Oromo nation to half of their demographic dominancy, to impoverish them, to stand naked, leave empty stomach to sleep. But the slave mind Abiy Ahmed Ali goes further and is designed to eliminate the great Oromo nation’s from their ancestral soil as a prime nemesis and the others, the southern to follow once his mission in Oromia is accomplished as he dreams. 

The statements that the world has heard from his mouth saying in comparing “al Shabab with the OLF who in his cocoon packed in a terrorist box on Boorana  Oromia soil; the eldest of the Great Oromo Nation and the store House of the Gadaa-Siiqqee of Oromoness. That was neither new nor surprising we have heard it three decades stretched that fascists No-1 Meles, a blasted lair who redundantly narrated not only to brush with tar but talking his dreams and come to the point to boast that he has eliminated the OLF. Furthermore, the delusional slave mind that must be told loudly and written boldly and taken for granted without hesitation who suffer from schizophrenia if we just make a little survey of his cocoons. 

Just by making brief psychoanalysis from his statement that he intended to pursue the Kenyan state man that the OLF as a common enemy to follow his steep to eliminate the oldest genuine liberation front and the Avant-garde of the oldest liberation front of the great African nations, the Oromo people.  The OLF is not alone for Oromos but the hope of the entire people of the Horn of Africa incarcerated in the SCA with similar if not identical historical tragic fates of colonization and incorporated in one of the most backward predatory empires on this inhabitable. As an elegant phraseology stated above has it, “If the fish knows water, It has never urinated back to it.

As a result of double-bind family psychodynamic factors, Fascist No2 often narrates that he has been a product of Oromo’s father and Amhar-Habesha’s mother in a biological sense. Indeed there is nothing wrong with it and no one can select his parents and that has never been an issue, most importantly by the Great Orom nation of the founder and the owner of the wisdom of the Gada –Siiqqee System with deep-seated humane, egalitarian, and non-classical nurturing with zero-tolerance, an indigenous democratic socio-political system of the Oromo that has been inscribed in 2016 (11.COM) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

It is the issue burning issue of the survival of the Ninety ethno-cultural and linguistic nations which have been incarcerated for the last one-hundred thirty-five years to survive, they must defend, protect themselves, their family, community and their people by paying whatever it costs. That is an immutable law of nature on this planet and And there are no ifs, ands, or buts left untested. To accomplish the task there is no one to be asked for permission or a license to deploy the effective tools as the facts demand on the soil.

It is crystal clearer from days to days that Abiy never leaves no stone unturned in committing crimes and continuing his gruesome acts until he was either shot dead like Muammar al Gaddafi or caught red-handed and brought to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), or flight, most plausibly to Isayas Afewerki before the bullet got his forehead, and that is the only language that the fascists know throughout history accounts repeatedly teaches. It is an obligation to take history seriously, to achieve the sacred goal of THE A TOTAL LIBERATION OF OUR LAND AND OUR MIND WITH ALL MEANS NECESSARY THAT MILLIONS OF HEROES AND HEROES SACRIFICED AND SACRIFICING THER LIFE RIGHT NOW IN AN HOUR TACT.

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