Oduu Haaraya

Yaadannoo Obbo Mardaasaa Raagga Jootee

Gooti sabaa, gumaacha kaasaa ummata ofiitii godhaniin barabaraan yaadatamaa hafu. Mardaasaa Raagaa Jootee kan Onkololessa 30, 2012 boqote, jannoota Oromoo sodaa malee qabsoo bilisummaaf godhaman keessatt qooda fudhachuun aarsaa guddaa baasan keessaa tokko ture. Jireenya saa guutuu jabinaan haacuuccaa fi roorroo gara hallee fi walumaagalatt kolonummaa Habashaa (Itoophiyaa) kutannoon nama mormaa ture. Akka sabboonaa Oromoo dammaqaa tokkotti, Mardaasaan yeroo Universitii Boston MA ture warraaqsa Oromoo keessatt qooda fudhachuu murteeffate.

Mardaasaa ummata saatiif akka dhaabbatu kan kakaase gadi fageenyaan seenaa qabsoo Oromoo hubachuu qofa hin ture. Diiddaa moo’umsa diinaa akaakayyuu saa Jootee Tulluu, abbaa saa fi gooticha Oromoo wasila saa kan maqaa duulaa itt moggaafate hunda irra booree dhaalmaan itt dhufes qaba. Mardaasaan kolonummaan dhoofsisuu fedha kan hin qabne, dudhaa fi eenyummaa Oromoo hanga gaafa du’ee badeetti hundaa olitt kan laalu ture.
Obbo Mardaasaan miseensota Tokkumaa Baratoota Oromoo Amerikaa Kaabaa (TOAK), kan yeroo jalqabaaf 1974 Amerikaa Kaabaa Kanadaa dabalatee walabummaan ijaarame bu’uursuu irratti qooda fudhatan keessa tokko ture.
Hundeen dhaabichaa jabaatee qabsoon akka itti fufu gochaa, koree hojii geggeesituu dhaabame keessatt filamuun dura ta’aa Gabatee Gullalaa (Editorial Board) taa’anii waggootii dheeraaf dhaabaa keessatti guutumaatt of kenanii sirnaaf eeganoon tajaajilaa turan. TOAKn, sadarkaa jaarmiyaa beekamaa biyya alaa taasisuuf Obbo Mardaasaan heddu gumaachani.
Obbo Mardaasaan bara jireenya isaanii hunda, fedhi fi dantaa saba isaanii bakkaan gahuuf karaa danda’ameen diina dura dhabachuun, kutannoo fi sabboonummaan guutumanii kan qabsaawan keesa tokko ta’anii mulatu. Obbo mardaasaan karaa fedheen qabsoott haa bobba’anii akeeki saanii ummata saanii aangessuu akka ture qabsawoti adda addaa raga bahu.
Yeroo mara, amantii fi hawwiin Obbo Mardaasaa, kabaji mirga dhala nama fi bilisummaa kan qabdu Oromiyaa walaba taatee keessa jiraachuu ta’uu himatu. Carraan karaa lixaan qabsoo hidhannoo jalqaban yoo jiraate abuuruuf humnoota adda addaati makamanii Sudanitt godaananii turan. Garuu haalli waan hin mijjoofneef Amerikaatti deebi’anii mala adda addaa dhahaa turuun saanii ni yaadatama.
Obbo Mardaasaan seena saba fi qabsoo Oromoo gadi fageesanii beekuu qofa otuu hin tahin, baldhinaan Journaalotaa fi barruulee adaa addaatt barreesanii seenaan qabsoo Oromoo caallatt akka dubifamuu godhaa turan.
Baroota darban keessa, haala rakoo siyaassaa Oromiyaa keessatti dhalateen baqattota Oromoo biyyolee gaanfa Afrikaatti rakachaa jiraniif, waan hojetanii argatan hunda, otuu hin qusatin itti dirmachuun gargaaraa turan. Akkasumas waan biyya saaniif hawwan kan mullisan manifestoo adda addaa baasanii labsuun saanii beekamaa dha.
Mardaasaa Jootee bilisummaa Oromoof qulqullina garaan dudhammi inni qabaataa ture seenaa qabsoo saba Oromoo keessatti ol bahee balali’aa jiraata. Akka ijaaraatti, nama dhugummaatti, amanamaa ummata ofiitti akka nama hin ciicatamneetti fi kaayyoo cimaa qabuutti yaadatamaa hafa.

Lamiiwan Irraa


Remembering Obbo Mardaasaa Raagga Jootee

National heroes and heroines are always remembered for the past contributions to their national cause. The late Mardaasaa Ragaa Jotee who passed away on October 30, 2012, was one of the brave Oromos who had fearlessly engaged in the national struggle and made enormous sacrifices in the name of freedom. Throughout his life, he stood up firmly against all forms of repression and subjugation in general and the Abyssinian (Ethiopia) colonialism, in particular. As a conscious Oromo nationalist, Mardaasaa decided to participate in the Oromo revolution while he was attending university in Boston, MA in the early 1970s.
Mardaasaa’s motivation to fight injustice and domination stems from his own deep knowledge of Oromo historical struggles, as well as his family’s generational resistance to the barbaric Abyssinian empire builders. Like his grand-father, Jootee Tulluu and his father before him, and the Oromoo hero, his uncle whose name he adopted as nom de guerre was a fervent Oromo nationalist who uncompromisingly rejected colonialism in Oromo land and vehemently upheld Oromo tradition and identity until the very last moment of his death.
Mardaasaa was one of the early members and organizers of Union of Oromo Students in North America, the first independent Oromo organization to be formed throughout the United States and Canada.
Strengthening the foundation of the organization and pushing the struggle to continue Mardaasaa was elected as Editor in Chief in the organizational structure newly formed. He had served in that position for a long time with care and dedication. Mardaasaa had contributed lots to make TOAK an internationally known organization of its kind.
Mardaasaa was one of those Oromo that struggled by all means which seemed convenient to them filled with sprit of nationalism, determination and sincere commitment. All activists of his time stand witness that whatever direction he takes Mardaasaa’s ultimate objective was to empower his people.
Mardaasaa always expressed his wish as to live in a free country where human rights is respected. To probe if there is a way to go into his country through the west he had joined some forces and gone to the Sudan. But conditions did not become conducive as he thought and so he had to return to America and try some other means.
Mardaasaa shared his deep knowledge of Oromoo history and struggle through different Journals and papers. In that way he helped in introducing Oromo history and struggle to be more accessible to all that read.
In the past years he had been commuting to East Africa to help refugees that were dislocated from their countries as a result of political crises in the homeland. It is also to be remembered that he used to express his ideas through manifestoes he issued at different times.
His sincere commitment to liberate the Oromo nation stands high and shines in the history of the Oromo national struggle. He will be remembered as an organizer, honest, loyal to his people, and a man of integrity and principle.

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