Oduu Haaraya

As Oromo Refugees in Yemen-Aden…

Subject:   Only, the Oromo Refugees are still caught up under the fire and critical circumstance and also expecting an imminent danger

To all, the Governmental & non-governmental humanitarian organizations, Amnesty  international,  Human  Rights  Watch,  Human  Rights  League  of  the Horn of Africa (HRLHA), Oromia Support Group (OSG), Macha Tulama Association, Oromo Community MN (USA), Oromo Community EU, Oromo Australia and governments interest human rights etc.

As Oromo Refugees in Yemen-Aden,

We are very much pleased to be in touch with you not only for a new update, but for relieving our stressed feeling due to the prevailing situation as well as due to fear for our life as everybody anticipates an imminent danger.

Oromo refugees particularly, those in urban areas are left still stranded under a very tragic circumstance which may lead them to death owing to lack of the basic necessities of life. As for the Oromo refugees in Aden, we’ve been communicating with UNHCR in Aden since 18th the current April seeking for possible provisions of(food, shelter and emergency health assistance). But no a reliable response has been made yet, except (Mrs. Aisha Saeed, the community service assistant who is also focal protection officer) has said that UNHCR is planning to assist the most needy families.

But, concerning  the asylum seekers (those have been registered  with UNHCR and waiting for RSD) “they have to seek the Ethiopian embassy to return them home; she said. And nothing has been practiced  at all. On 28-29-30 of the last April there was food assistance distributed for Somalis and local peoples by UNHCR partner (local NGO, SHS) but Oromo was excluded” no share for Oromo in this assistance; they said. As  for  the  Oromo  refugees  in  Yemen  in  general,  they  are  facing  the  same situation  even though  the location  is different  as they have also same  fear or expectation  that they are about to face an imminent  danger,  regarding  to the well-founded  political persecution  harassing them over the last two decades in the presence of many international NGOs. But now Oromo is the setting target for any aggression intended and could obliterate them simply by the absence of security etc which most of the refugees think to be “the harvester destiny”  to their lives.

Earnest appeal to the international attention  concern the plan of UNHCR  for resettling refugees in Somalia etc. for the Oromo refugees it is not different from forcibly deportation as it is actually worse than danger which only mean death for us to reside in the neighborhood of the Ethiopia where we undoubtedly face perilous aftermath ( abduction and killing or disappearing). Ethiopia is the government which never stopped pursing us in Yemen by all mean. What should be expected if we were put nearby its border?

It is a very generous of you to take this into consideration as we are positive of only your help. And we hope would meet with your favorable response as soon as


NOTE:  situation  is going from bad to worse day by day at the moment.  The public water supply has been stopped that has made the people to use salty water from wells belonging to the mosques. In addition, the communication in general has been deadened right now and it seems to be stopped completely within the coming days. So, we may not be able to communicate you.

Finally, condolence

We, as the Oromo refugees-Yemen  never forget as our heart is shedding grieving tears over the horrible death of our brothers in Libya. We seriously condemn the barbarous and  savage  crime  scene  committed  against  the  pure  innocent  youth  those  fled  from injustice in their country. It is chocking and a great sorrow indeed, to the all mankind in general, and to the Ethiopians, in particular. Being as a part of the family we sending our sympathetic condolence to their close families to have patience.

We’d  like to express  our feeling  of anxiety  towards  the Ethiopian  authority’s current  operation,  which  was said “it is aiming  to rescue  the refugees  facing violence in Libya. It is a huge surprise for us if such an amicable attitude by the Ethiopian authority, (which has never concerned with protection of her people) can be made towards the refugees those fled from its persecution.

Is  this  believable?     Of  course,  not  /  we  are  confirming   that  this  is  an imitative intervention purposing for political profits which mainly are:

– To pursue  and hunt down the refugees  systematically,  under the pretence  of rescue


– To  protect  its  foreign  policy  intent  to  gain  a political  achievement,  by  showing  as though it stands up for its people. If the government of Ethiopia had had been sympathetic towards her people, it would have stood up for the thousands of the Ethiopians facing barbarous treatments (kinds of tortures: burning with fire, with plastic/ liquid substance, pulling the eye, cutting the fingers, killing by hanging and by huger etc) since more  than  a  decade  in  and  on  arrival  to  Yemen,  which  is  very  friendly  to Ethiopia.

If this government established on and respected justice and equality among the coexisting ethnicities, or if it avoided nepotism and racialism, or if it granted the peoples the national rights, such a great number of the nation wouldn’t leave the sweet home through the dangerous routes and on understanding difficult consequences will meet them.

It is actually, a despot and silent murderer which neither tries to protect particularly, the Oromo people nor stops persecuting them. The Oromo refugees in Yemen also mostly in the target of the abusive policy of the despot, and the present situation is very potential. Therefore, we hope the international community wouldn’t ignore this fact as we are earnestly invoking the international attention for immediate help to extricate us from this threatening situation as humanitarian base

To follow our situation you can contact to:

Abdulmalik Mohamed Ahmed. Mobile No 967771361374/967735321631

Ahmed Kamal Abdallah        Mobile No: +967-734420407/+967771605410

Thanks a lot for your humanity


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