Oduu Haaraya

China calls for calm on Korean peninsula

All parties involved in the Korean Peninsula must remain calm and be careful not to provoke each other. The call comes from China, the only country that North Korea’s ear.

– In the current situation, China believes that all sides need to remain calm, exercise restraint and not to take action that is provocative and should definitely not take measures that will worsen the situation, said Hong Lei, spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, writes Reuters.

The statement was made on Wednesday when he met with ambassadors from the United States, North Korea and South Korea.

– Yesterday afternoon träfade Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui ambassadors from North Korea, South Korea and the United States, and expressed serious concern about the current situation on the peninsula, Hong Lei said at a press conference.

China hopes that the tense situation can be resolved through talks, according to Hong Lei.

North Korea has threatened to attack the U.S. with nuclear weapons after the United Nations imposed new sanctions in response to the country’s third nuclear test in February. North Korea has also made it clear that there is a war between North Korea and South Korea.

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