Oduu Haaraya

Ethiopian Regime Kills 25 Peaceful Protesters and Arrest 1,500 Civilians

7053760bAugust 3, 2013 – Ethiopian government forces open fire on unarmed demonstrators throughout the country,  killing 25 and injuring dozens more, according to Ethiopian activists who took part in the demonstrations.

One witness says at least one child was among the the dead. He also stated government security forces arrested over 1,500 protesters on Friday.

For over a year, Ethiopian Muslims have been holding peaceful protests and mosque sit-ins over the regime’s human rights abuses against their community and interference in their religion.

Although the 2007 census claims Muslims make up only 34% of the country’s population, Ethiopian diplomats have said these numbers are skewed to hide the fact that Muslims now make up the majority.

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  1. Ummata Oromoo du’aatiin tanaa olii hin jirtuu addan addaan wol qooduu dhiisaa bayaa iyyadhaa waan godhu dandeessan godhaa woliin gabroomnneen yoo haqa taate gadi bahaa kan barruun dhaamsa dabaruu dandeessan bareessa kan hiriira baatani dhaamssa dabasuu dandeessan dabarasaa jaabaadhaa tan tana caaltu inuma hin jirree uuuuu !!!iyyaa iyya labssaa kan biraa ammoo J/Kamaal galatomi Rakkoo Ummata keeti dafttee waan sitti dhagayamu muldhisuu kan keetiif galata qabda Rabbiin sihaa gargaaru !