Oduu Haaraya

Ethiopian Security agents are desperately looking for Haromaya University students who submitted..

Few update from different Universities in Ethiopia in relation to Addis Ababa-Shaggar Surrounding Master plan.
1.Five schools in the City of Naqamte are expected to hold joint demonstration against the New Master Plan of Shaggar on, April 27.

2.Ethiopian Security agents are desperately looking for Haromaya University students who submitted the letter of their demands to the University Administration and government officials. The security agents are also calling on the cell phones of some students and threatening them to provide the names and personal information of the members of student committee who have organized the recent rally.

3. Oromo Students in University of Diredhawa have also completed preparations to carry out a rally very soon.

4. The students in different universities, including AAU, plan to hold frequent continued protest demonstrations until their demands are met.

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