Oduu Haaraya

Guyyaan Aafriikaa Ayerlaanditti Waa’ee Oromoon guutamee Oole


“Social Media Compiagn” mata duree jedhuu jallatti miseensotni keenya guyyaa har’aa 25/05/2014 daawwatoota ayyaana kanaaf dhufaniif waaee Oromoo, rakkoo ilmaaan Oromoo irra ga’aa jiraa fi daba Wayaaneen ilmaan keenya qalaa jirtu saaxla baasaa oolle. Kaayyoon keenya uumatni hedhuun waaee rakkoo keenya kana yaada waalin daddabarsuun hundumti akka baru kan jedhu ture.

Akka kanaan miseemsotni waldaan Oromoo biyya Ayerlaand guyyaa hara’aa xinnaa, guddaa, dhiira dubartii utuu hin jedhin duula waaee uummata Oromoo fi haala yeroo ammaa kan uummatnii keenya, keesumaa immoo ijoolleen baratoota Yuniversiitii addaa addaa keessatti baratani keessa jiran uuma kumaatamaan lakkawwamu guyyaa Aafriikaa kana jabajuu dhufeef ibsaa ollee.

Namootni nuti quunnamnee itti haasofnu hundi haala uummata keenya irra jiru akka hubachuudhaan gaaffii nuti waaee keenya kana “Social mediaa” isaanii irratti akka hiriyoota isaaniitiif iran gaafatne gammachuun tole jechuun suuraa kafatni kanas akka raawwatani waadaa galuun gargaaraa fi jajjabeessuu guddaa nuuf kennuun akka kana caalaa hojjechuun nurra jiruuf daba fi dhiibbaa dhala namaa irra ga’aa jiru kana waliin akka saaxila baasuu qabna jechuun waadaa guddaa nuuf seenaaniiru.

Miseensotni keenya warra Aafriicaa biyya adda addaa irraa dhufani keessumaa immoo barra ollaa Oromiyaa kan akka Keenyaa, fi Sudaan ilmaan Oromoo biyya isaanii baqatanii jiraniif deggersaa fi dawoo akka taniif, yoo dandeetii fi dhagaummaa qabaatani mootummoota isaan akka isaan ilmaan Oromo jaratti baqatani qabanii akka gara Itiyoophiyaatti akka hin deebfine amma itti himan gaaffachaa oolle.

Baruu asii gadhii afaan Ingliziin qophaae kana maxansuun warra itti haasonetti hunda kan hirre yoo tau, akka waaee keenya, seenaa keenya akka dubbisun afeerrerra. Hedduun isaanii dabni akkanaa jaarraa 21ffaa kana keessa jira jedhnee amanuun hin dandaa’amu jedhuun amma dhandaa’amu hundaa godhuuf, gara fuula duraattis akka quunnamtii isaanii nuu waliin cimsan nuuf ibsaa turani. Akka carraa keenyaa tau bakki godoo (tent) nu gae mukaa odaa fakkaatu jala waan tureef isaan wal-qabsiifnee waaee odaa, fi sirna gadaa ibsuuf haala gaarii nuuf uumee ture.

About Us and Our Country Oromia
Oromo people live mostly in Ethiopia, but there are some Oromo residents in Kenya and Somalia. Our home land in Ethiopia is about 600,000 sq. km. This area is more than half of the area of current Ethiopian empire. We call our home country Oromia. Oromia is the largest region in the Ethiopian empire. It extends from east to west and from north to south of Ethiopia. It borders with Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, and with most of the other Ethiopian ethnic groups. Finfinne (Addis Ababa), a current capital of Ethiopia and the sit of African Union, is the capital of Oromia as well.

The population of Oromo is estimated to 40 million, about half the population of Ethiopia. Our people mainly live on agriculture (coffee, several crops, spices, vegetables) and animal husbandry, Oromia is the richest region in the Horn of Africa. Livestock products, coffee, oil seeds, spices, mineral resources and wild life are all diverse and abundant. The East African big rivers such as Blue Nile, Awash, Genalle, Gibe, and Didesa source from Oromia, or pass through it. Oromia has a varied and conducive weather both for living and investment.

Our country Oromia is currently under the control of the Ethiopian colonial Empire. We the Oromo nation, as the most numerous nations in Africa, enjoy homogeneous culture and shares a common language, history and descent, and once shared common political, religious and legal institutions. During our long history, our people developed its own cultural, social and political system known as the Gadaa system. Gadaa was a uniquely democratic political and social institution that governed the live of every individual in the Oromo society from birth to death.

We were a free self-governing country. But like our friend African communities we were the victim of the scramble for Africa of the 19th century. We were colonised, our Gadaa self-rule was banned, our identity denied, our people were sold as slaves, our language and cultural heritage was destroyed. While the colonised African communities are free and enjoying and celebrating their freedom, we Oromo are still in colony, still displaced, still in mass imprisonment, torture and face disappearances.

Today our children are killed on in their village. Just recently more than 70 Oromo students killed, thousands disappeared and thousands more jailed because they aired their concern on the Addis Ababa Master Plan that is to display 2 million Oromo of their land.
Only few people know the fact that Ethiopia is still a colonial empire. The successive rules of Ethiopian were one of the colonisers and still are. We are in still in colony. This is the reason why many Oromo are refugees in many African and Middle East countries. This is the reason why Ethiopia is the corner of conflict. This is the reason why it is the poorest country in the world.

We need freedom, we need peace, we need the right to self-rule, and we need dignity as human beings. But we are still denied of these basic human rights. Our justice looks like this fellow victim of the Ethiopian colonial empire.

The knowledge of this fact by you is nearly enough for us. Please search the web know more about us. We need your help. Put your caring eyes on us; and stretch your helping hand for us. Please also care for Oromo refugees in your country back home. Our people need this truth be known to the peace loving brothers and sisters. Please speak blog and chat about this injustice. Please join us in exposing this inhumanity to the world.
Thank you.

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