Oduu Haaraya

Hawaasni Oromoo biyya Noorweey guyyaa ar’aa hiriira bahuun tumsa garsiisan…

Ongoing demosntration in Oslo, Norway in support of Oromo public and students’rally in Ethiopia against the so called integrated plan of expanding of “Addis Abeba” or Finfinne, and against the subsequent massacre by TPLF especial forces of the peaceful demontrators across many cities in Oromiyaa.

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Dhaabbanni Itiyoo-telekoom olaantummaa dhalattoota saba tokkoo qofaan kan dhuunftameedha

Ragaan sanadaa loogummaa fi olaantummaa dhalattoota saba tokkootiin dhuunfatamuu Itiyoo-telekoom saaxilu OMN harka seenuu itti …