People of State of Tigrai and Head of Government of Tigrai Members of Amahara Nation, the elites and Permanent Residents in State of Oromia Other States, Nations and Nationalities in the current domain of Ethiopian Empire
Subject: Don’t kill us or don’t dispose us to killers, instead stand by us, the Oromo
To overthrow the unjust rulers, even of their own people, Oromo and Tigrai people were main stakeholders in co-struggle. Consequently, as matter of luck, sons of people of Tigrai by the name TPLF were able to seizure power not only in Tigrai, but also in Empire of Ethiopia. Since then, Oromo is forced to continue under more serious operation of TPLF tyranny. The heroes of Oromo are renamed as terrorist organization by TPLF likewise the Military Junta used to call the TPLF as dildy sebariand separatist. The sons of Oromo are subject of torture, kidnaps and killings, and Oromia under unparalleled subjugation. The least I can quote is “Ethiopian jails speak Afaan Oromo” as witnessed by son of Tigrai, who eventually became at odd with TPLF.It is crystal clear that Oromo dwells on its native land Oromia. Unequivocally, Oromo never demanded any one’s native land in Ethiopian Empire, or elsewhere including State of Tigarai. True history of Oromo and existing reality testify that Oromo is known for peaceful co-existence among its neighbor states and peoples. Nevertheless, Oromo had been marginalized, subjugated and displaced by Emperors and the Military Junta who were once in power of Administering the Empire of Ethiopia.
But why we suffer on our native land at the heavy-hand of your sons’ TPLF and its force Agazi? Do you think contemporary success lasts forever or you don’t mind whatsoever this generation might pass? To my knowledge, people of Tigrai are now on crossroad: either to twist TPLF and pull its brutal Agazi force from Oromia so that Oromo shouldn’t be murdered on its native land, or the Tigrai people and its state should expect to remain on historical blacklist.
My appeal to the members of Amhara nation permanently leaving with us in Oromia and its elites is this. I feel there is nothing undisclosed historical record between Oromo and Amhara. I underline that history is on record, shaping our common fate is critically at our hand. And never forget that Oromo is merciful even to its utmost enemies arising from any matter. Therefore, stop playing advisory role to TPLF against Oromo and spy service to the regime currently in power. Sustaining these acts can only mean unfolding hostility. Instead, collaborate with the intensified Oromo struggle against tyranny. We should expect at least good neighborhood or common house Ethiopia as reward to our co-struggle to end TPLF’s power monopoly. I want to remind you that nothing under sky can stop inborn right of Oromo over Oromia. You may not compare claim of benefit, often presented by residual attitudes of the lasted hegemony with inborn right. Also, I say that there is nothing more misleading propaganda of TPLF which pretend its alliance with Amhara and that its security breath on Oromo ears saying that TPLF’s agenda is strategically related to Oromo interest. I believe both approaches are TPLF’s deception. I wish you win embracing false friend and rejecting false enemy.
My appeal to other States, Nations and Nationalities in the current domain of Ethiopian Empire is clear and short. Let you stand by the Oromo heroes to end colonial TPLF and enjoy forthcoming earthly heaven as common home.
With all due regards,
Gummabas Egere (PhD)