Oduu Haaraya

Jaaraa Family Press Release

March 5, 2013

JAARAABILIIt is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa (Abdulkarim Ibrahim Hamid) on March 3, 2013. For his family, Abdulkarim was a caring older brother, a loving father and a wonderful husband. We also know that, for his people– the Oromo, he is Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa, a national hero and father of their struggle for freedom. Jaarraa loved his people whom he lived and died for. Although his commitment to a free Oromia was a priority, he always made an extra effort to comfort and care for his relatives. Every minute he spent with us was filled with valuable advice and limitless affection. As he leaves us to join, our gallant ancestors and his departed comrades in heaven, we say farewell and we will miss him dearly.

We would like to express our immense gratitude for the outpouring support we have received during this difficult time from around the world. Jaarraa would have been grateful for the love and acknowledgement you accorded for his life-long commitment and sacrifice. However, he would have also reminded us that his full compensation would be for us to continue and complete the journey he and his comrades started!

Inalilahi Wa inailaihi Rajiun…
May his soul rest in peace as he now lives on in all of our hearts!

Dr. Nesrudin Hamid, MD
On behalf of the Family

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