Oduu Haaraya

Jaarraan maalif qabsoo hidhannootti ciche?

Waxabajjii 11, 2013

Haasawa walgahii  Yaadannoo Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa tan Altanta, USA irraatti  dhihaate
Jawaar Muhammad

Bu’ureessitota qabsoo Oromoo  kanneen tarree duraarratti maqaan isaanii dhawamu keessaa, tokko, Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaati. Wanni Jaarraan  qabsoo tanaaf addatti gumaache maali?  jennee yoo of gaafanne  adeemsa dheeraa  Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO) jaaruuf godhame  keessatti carraaqqii godhamteefi milkii argamteef shoora sadarkaa duraa tapahcuu isaati hubanna. Roorroo Oromoorra gahuuf joollumamaadhaan laalachuu isaatiin ganamaan qabsoof bobbahe; bara 1966 Asabootirraa Minishir bitatatee qabsaa’ota barbaadee dirree falmii Baaleetitti makamee lolee lolchiise. Qabsoodhaaf meshaafi leenjii lolaa garayyuun ammayyee taate  qabaachuun akka barbaachisu waan hubateef  gargaarsa barbaacha gama Somaaliyaa, boodas Bahar Diimaa ceehee Adan, Baagdaadifi Damaasqoo  dhaqe. Achirraahis akeeka tokkooni qasaawoota leenji’amaniifi meeshaalee lolaa ammayyee tahan waliin deebi’uuf karaa bu’e.   Akeekni sunis Qeeyroo Ganamaatiin Qabsoo Hidhannoo Eegaluudha.  Wanni argame ammoo, milkii osoo hin tahin harka mootummaa Soomalee bu’anii hidhamuu tahe.  Mudannoon hamtuun waggaa shaniitiis  murannoo diina Oromoo qabsoo hidhannootin cabsuuf qabu isa keessatti hin laaffifne. Bara 1976-tti yeroo haalli Warraaysaa biyyattii jijjiiree hamilee qabsoo hidhannootiif jirtu laamshesse sanitti, sirni jiru hiddaan buqqa’u malee Oromoof furmaanni hin jiru jechuudhaan, qawwee lameen Elemoo Qilxuufaarraa gaafa lola Xirroo  hafte bakka itti awwaalamanirraa baafatee daggalatti galee WBO humnaafi caasaadhaan ijaarutti seene. Jaarraan gaafa yeroo duraatiif Asabootitti Minishir bitaterraa eegalee hamma guyyaa du’aan addunyaarraa galetti goota dawaan cunqursaa qawweedha jedhee amanu ture;  saba isaatinis hidhadhaa “ qarshiin jahaannam haa dhayxuu qawwee bitadhaa daggala seenaa” jedhee dawwaaqaati jiraate.

Akeekni barruu tanaa seenaa Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa (Abdukariim Ibraahim Haamid) barreessuu miti. Gumaacha inni qabsoo Oromootif godhes guututti keessa deemuu hin hedu.  Barruun tuni waa tokko qofarratti  fuulleeffatti: Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaatiifi Qabsoo Hidhannoo bifa waliigalaatin mil’achuudhaan sababoota gootichi kuni maloota qabsoo keessaa kan hidhannootitti akka gamuufi ittiis cichu isa godhan maal akka tahan xiinxaluudha.

Kanatti aansinee sababoonni  Jaarraa Abbaagadaa  qabsoo hidhannoo akka  fardeeyfatu goadhan maal fa’a akka ta’an  xiinxaluuf yaalla.  Sababoonni wahitti nama kaasan hedduudha. Kan wahitti akka cichan nama godhanis akkasuma.   Akka hubannaa  kiyyaatti waa afuriitu ilaalcha Jaarraan qabsoo hidhannootiif qabu qare. Afranis:

  1. Seenaa abbootii saa (seenaa warraa): seenaa qaccee irraa dhalateetifi kan Oromoo naannawa sanii tan inni joolummaarraa dhagayaa guddate
  2. Argaa-dhageettii  gocha gootummaa ilmaan Oromoo kanneen diinni ‘shiftaa’ jedhuun   kanneen akka Habiibifi Haamidoo faan nafxanyaarraan gayaa turanii
  3. Roorroo Oromorra geessu heeraafi sirna jiru keessaan furuuf yaalii godheerra  waan hubate.
  4. Hirmaannaa sossoha  Baalee keessatti godhe.

Sababoota afran kana armaan gaditti takka takkaan gabaabsinee haa laallu.

–For Full Speech Click Gulele Post

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  1. I read the writings on the speech Jawar Mohammed delivered at the meeting hosted by IQRA’ INTERNATIONAL an NGO founded by muslim Oromos in Minnesota.

    This is simple to understand if one knows elementary statistics. If one finds it difficult to understand then he/she has a problem and needs to go back to studying fundamentals of statistics. From statistical point of view what was said regarding Islam and Oromo in Ethiopian demographic setting is 100% correct. It is based on scientific data and is not a wishful thinking or a propaganda aimed to harm any body.

    Here the facts that each and every one of us should know, understand and accept that it is the truth.

    • In Ethiopia there are people following different religions: Muslims, Christians, Animists (traditional African Religions).
    • Among the Muslims a great majority are Oromos. All non Oromos added together constitute only the minority of Ethiopian Muslims.

    Therefore, statistically when you talk about Ethiopian Muslims there is no doubt that you are talking about the Oromo people. Because most Oromos are Muslims talking about the Oromo also means talking about Muslims. On this basis it is right to say “Oromummaa” and “Islaamummaa” are complimentary and not contradictory in the setting under discussion. That is what Jawar said and there is no problem with that.

    For some this might be hard to comprehend because of many reasons. Lack of knowledge is one and it can be corrected by learning. Others include sentiments emanating from prejudice, hate, phobia, …etc. The latter is corrected by remolding and takes a lot of time. What has been said is enough for those devoted to learning. Others should find help from else where.