Oduu Haaraya

OLF to join hands with TPDM and G7??

Breaking News: OLF and TPDM expected to join Patriotic Ginbot 7

Peoples Democratic Movement (TPDM) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) lead by Brigadier General Kemal Gelchu expected to join Patriotic Ginbot 7 Movement for Unity and Democracy.

Patriotic Ginbot 7 fighters

Posted by Patriotic Ginbot 7
Ever since the arrival of Prof. Berhanu Nega (Patriotic Ginbot 7 Chairman) and other Patriotic Ginbot 7 leaders in Eritrea, there has been a rumour that merger talks between the three major Ethiopian armed fronts are underway.

Also Patriotic Ginbot 7’s short social media update strengthen the above news:

‪#‎Ethiopia‬, Breaking News is on the way! Stay tuned. A major political shift into high gear to take action on the minority led TPLF.

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