Oduu Haaraya

“Oromo Voice International OVI” (Sagalee Oromo Idle Addunyaa), sagantaa agarsiisa aadaa mataduree Tokkummaa jedhuun guyyaa dilbataa ….

Harka Funee!   


           Dargaggoonni Oromohalkan oromiyaaaOnkololeessa 11 bara 2015 qopheesse irratti akka nuuf argamtan kabajaan isin affeeree jirra. Bakki sagantichaa (3710 Chesswood Dr. Toronto, Canada) sa’aa 4:00 (sa’aa booda) haga halkan walakkaa sa’a 1:00 tti.

Kaayyoon agarsiisa kanaa bal’innaa fi barreedinna Oromiyaan qabdu hundaa mul’isuu fi calaqqisisssuuf yoo ta’u, karaa sirbaa, dhiichisa, walaloo, mudhisa artii, dramaa fi sagantaawaan adda addaa biraas qabatee dhiyaata.  Walumaa galatti qophiin kun bashannaansiisaa fi barsiisaa akka ta’uufii galagala addaa ta’ee akka yaadatamu abdii qabna. Qophiin kana yeroo jalqabaatiif mata duree Tokkummaa jedhuun kan qopheessaa jirru yoo ta’u innis akkuma maqaa isaa tokkummaa hawaasa oromoo judduutti cimsuu fi walitti dhufeenymmaa jabeessuu irratti xiyyeefata.

Sagaleen Oromo Idle Addunyaa (OVI) gurmuu dargaggoota Oromoo xiyyeefannaa fi ka’umsi isa aadaa uummata Oromoo ifatti baasee agarsiisuu, qodaa fi hambaa Oromoo barsiisuu fi beeksisuu fi dargaggoo Oromoo humneessuu irratti hojjataa. Nuyi Dargaggoon Oromo Torontoo fi naannaawaa (GTA) tti argamnu sagantaa kana qopheesuuf yoo karoorfannu waldaaleen hawaasa Oromoo Hamilton, Kitchener/Waterloo, fi Ottawa sagantaa bareedaa nuu qopheesaa jiru irraati hirmaataa jiru.

Kanaafuu sagantaa dargaaggoon Oromoo akka Oromootti of ibsan aaddaa fi eennyummaa Oromoo olqabuuf qopheessan kana deegartanii akka irratti argamtan abdachuun kabajaan isin affeerree jirra. Nullee dalagaa kana fedhii guddaan waan dalagaa jirruuf bakka isin itti argamtanitti kabajuuf barbaanna.

Isiin akka keessummaa keenyaatti simachuu hedduu irraa gammanna, yoo gaaffii qabaattan karaa iimeelii keenya kanaatii nuqunamaa. Yoo karaa qunnamtii biraas filattan ta’e nu beeksisuuf duuba hin jedhiinaa.


Nagaaya wajjiin,

Sagalee Oromo Idle Addunyaa, OVI



With greetings!


The Oromo Voice International (OVI), Oromo youth extend our invitation to attend our Oromo cultural show, titled A Night In Oromiya; Recalling Our Roots on Sunday 11th of October of 2015. The event will be held at Montecassino Hall (3710 Chesswood Dr. Toronto, Canada) from 4:00 p.m to 1 a.m.

The main objective of this show is to encompass and embrace the beautiful diversity within Oromia during the special evening through song, dance, poetry, art displays, and drama pieces in addition to others. All the while, this show will be entertaining as well as educational. As this is our first show, our theme of Tokkummaa, titled because of the powerful meaning of unity. Our show intends to bring and harmonise Oromo communities from different cities


The Oromo Voice International is a committee of Oromo youth focused and motivated to bring the Oromo culture into light, heightening awareness and empowerment of Oromo youth. We, the Oromo youth of Toronto and Greater Toronto Area (GTA), are hosting this event together with the Hamilton, Kitchener/Waterloo, and Ottawa Oromo communities are also taking part in the creation of this wonderful show.


We request for your attendance in hopes that you would like to support youths who identify as Oromos and are working to raise its awareness through keeping the Oromo culture alive. We have taken the duty to heart and would be pleased to share the celebration of our culture in your company.


We would be honoured to have you as our guest, please do not hesitate to forward your questions to us through this email. If you prefer to be contacted in an alternative way that is more convenient to you, also let us know.



Oromo Voice International Committee


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