Oduu Haaraya

Serious Security Concern for Oromo refugees in Egypt

Abdulkadir Gumi Kuricha | June 6, 2013

Oboleewwan Nagaan Hadursuu.
  1. I am really sad today that serious security incident happened to Oromo refugees today in the evening of Thursday 6th June 2013, one of our friend was beaten seriously by a group of Egyptian youths and he was nearly killed if he was not saved by people, he was beaten by chain, metal and stick as he also defended himself. he was barely asked about his identity and nationality as Ethiopian. I and other community members rushed to see after being called and saw that he had head injury and other injury on his body and realized that it was my friend who was working at UNHCR as interpreter.the situation was tense as more than 50-60 Oromos have gathered to respond to fight or calm the situation.later after finding that situation was hot, we dispersed them and told everyone to go home and keep at home until  the situation is calm.we took our friend to the police station to report but the other challenges was that the police men threaten us too, the policeman who was writing report aimed at myself as sign of shooting if possible for him, saying that we deserve to be killed, it was shock to me,we spent more than two hours asking for reports, one of the policeman refused to write down the report of incident, stating that his hand cannot do that. we found it wrong time to explain ourselves, but after that we were referred to hospital to do some check up to our injured friend, in the hospital, we found the same issue, we are asked our nationality for record, we were told that you are going to divert our nile and you pay more for hospital, we have to pay double amount of fees, we accepted topay double fee, accepting all this challenging issues, to see doctor was other problem,.. also while we were in the waiting place, Other Egyptian women asked our friend who beat him like this and what is our nationality.the policeman who accompanied us told them that we are Ethiopian, and without feeling shy the woman told us ” you deserve it ” we find sign of bitterness on their faces.at about 2am we took our injured friend to his hope and advised other Oromos Ethiopian Identity holder to keep at home.
  2. We have Executive community meeting tomorrow on Friday 7th June 2013 to discuss this urgent issue and how curb the situation from further deterioration. Sunday will be a painful demonstration infront of UNHCR for Oromos in Egypt. We found it very shocking and
  3. Request: 1- Oromo media to cover and spread the words  2- Oromo communities in diaspora to protest at the Egyptian embassies or counsel in the country they are in. 3-Oromo political parties or OSA to send letter to Egyptian government and embassies to take this opportunity to talk to them.



Abdulkadir Gumi Kuricha
Telephone Number: 00-201112713537
Skype: waasole

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One comment

  1. Harka Fuunee Ilmaan Oromoo! Baga jiraattan!!

    I want to give you some historical facts about the Nile River Basin. Arm yourself with these facts and the fact that as a nation, the Oromo people are opposing to the so-called the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, try to educate the Egyptians and turn them to be on your side. This could be the once in a life time opportunity for you & the other Oromo refugees there in particular and the Oromo Nation in general!!

    Never ever claim yourself to be an “Ethiopian” as you have never been and you will never be the citizen of that unfinished project of the West.


    1. Blue Nile ===> contributes 75% of the overall Nile River Basin

    Oromia contributes 72% out of the 75% Blue Nile Contribution to the Nile Basin

    The main Oromian rivers contributing to Blue Nile Basin are:

    I. Hulluuqaa II. Gudar III. Laga Qilee IV. Wanggallee V. Dhanggaggoo VI. Dhaddachaa
    VII. Fincawaa VIII. Anggar IX. Dhidheessaa X. Diillaa XI. Kujjur XII. Komis XIII. Sacci
    XIV. Gulufa XV. Daabbus and so on.

    Abyssinia contributes 3% of the overall Nile River basin from Tekaze & Angerab rivers. This 3%
    contribution is only during rainy season. During dry season, it doesn’t even reach the Blue Nile river

    2. Black Nile ===> contributes 14% of the Nile River Basin —-> totally contributed by Oromia’s rivers.
    The Oromian rivers contributing to Black Nile are:
    I. Baaroo River II. Soorii River III. Gabbaa River IV. Birbbirissaa River

    3. White Nile – This is a non Oromian basin that contributes 11% – 14% of the overall main Nile Basin. This is the
    one that originates in Brundii and passes through Ruwanda, Uganda, Central African Republic, Zaire,Tanzania,
    Kenya and South Sudan.
    The Black Nile of Oromia and the White Nile meet in the vast swamp region of the Sudd locally known as the
    Bhar al Jabal and flows together Northward to join the Blue Nile somewhere around Khartoum. Nobody writes
    or says a word about the Black Nile of Oromia; it is considered as a part of the White Nile even thou it
    contributes more than what the later does.

    Overall Oromian Contribution to the Nile River Basin
    Blue Nile ——————– = 72%
    Black Nile ——————- = 14%
    Overall Oromian contribution ——————- = 86%
    Overall Abussinian contribution —————– < 3% (laughable!)

    Compare and contrast who is contributing the Lion's share of the River basin and who is making the noises!!!

    Long Live Oromia & the Oromo People!! United We Prevail; Divided We Fail!!
    We Shall Over Come!!