Oduu Haaraya

Statement of peaceful demonstration of union of Oromo students in Germany

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We, members of Union of Oromo students in Germany (UOSG), protest against human rights violation practices of criminal regime of Ethiopia known as Tigray People’s Liberation Front or Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front (TPLF/EPRDF). For example the Oromia Support Group in United Kingdom, a non-political organization to raise awareness of human rights violations in Ethiopia, has reported four thousand two hundred seventy nine (4,279) extra-judicial killings and 987 disappearances of civilians in Ethiopia from 1994 – 2010.
The TPLF/EPRDF regime’s anti peace characteristics are demonstrated by multidimensional human rights violations: eviction of peasants from ancestral  land without compensation, large-scale displacement of rural communities through initiation & aggravation of local conflicts, killing freedom of expressions, illegal interferences in religious affairs, increasing refugees, environmental degradation, perpetrating & aggravating conflicts in the Horn of Africa, maintaining border conflicts, negative impacts of border war with Eritrea, war crime in Somalia, and etc.
We believe it is necessary to refrain from sponsoring anti peace and authoritarian policies of the TPLF/EPRDF regime in order to realize sustainable peace and stability particularly in Ethiopia and generally in the Horn of African region.  Principle of peace & security for all humanity is the universal value that it should also be applicable for the human beings in Ethiopia and the horn of Africa.
Therefore we appeal respectfully to families of international communities in general and the federal democratic government of Germany in particular to stop indirect or direct involvements in activities suppressing the struggle of the Oromo people in particular and the oppressed peoples of the Horn of African region.
 We would like to remind you that objectives of the struggle of the Oromo people are to overcome century old injustice, to live in freedom, to build peace, to practice democracy, and to achieve stability.
Justice and Peace Shall Prevail!
Members of Union of Oromo students in Germany
Aschaffenburg and Würzburg branch

4th of June 2013,

Würzburg, Germany

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