Oduu Haaraya

Tens of Ethiopians demonstrating in front of the United Nations High Commissioner Sixth of October refusing to build a “Renaissance Dam”






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Organized dozens of sons tribes Alawromua Ethiopian now pause in front of the UN High Commissioner Sixth of October, in protest at the officials Ethiopians about their determination to proceed with the construction of a dam Renaissance, considering that this insistence on the part of the Ethiopian government for political gain, because Ethiopia does not need of water, they said.

The demonstrators raised the flags of Egypt and Ethiopia, stressing their rejection of the construction of a dam that would harm Egypt Renaissance will benefit Ethiopia.

Said Abdulkadir Gumi, one of the participants in the vigil, for “gate-Ahram”: “The Alawromua fled from Ethiopia to escape persecution, for criticizing the Ethiopian government, though Addis Ababa is not in need of water, but the aim of the dam to get political gain.”

He pointed out that if the goal of bridging the Renaissance generate electricity was not necessary residence on the River Nile, there are many other rivers, confirmed Gomi: “The message that we want to deliver for the people of Egypt that the tribes Alawromua opposed to this project, and supports the rights of Egypt in no harm to them, and the sons of these tribes inside and outside Ethiopia in solidarity with Egypt. ”

The that tribe Alawromua is one of the largest tribes in Ethiopia, accounting for 45% of the population and 85% of whom are Muslim faith, and this tribe has suffered from political persecution and ethnic in Ethiopia, was the involvement of a large number of children in Ethiopian jails and prisons.

Source; ahram

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