Oduu Haaraya

Our UNITED VOICE and UNITED RALLY against the Addis Ababa Master Plan can not be pierced by TPLF bullets

#‎OromoProtests‬ – The TPLF-dominated Ethiopian regime gears up for military response to the nonviolent (peaceful) Oromo Students Protests Against the Addis Ababa Master Plan. The resilient #OromoProtests have been going on for more than a week, and with heightened level since the April 24, 2014 Haramaya University rally, in university campuses across Oromia despite the TPLF regime’s plan to intimidate and harass the Oromo people and implement the Addis Ababa Master Plan to evict and dispossess Oromos around Finfinnee.

Our UNITED VOICE and UNITED RALLY against the Addis Ababa Master Plan can not be pierced by TPLF bullets, tanks and warplanes. Our STRUGGLE is just. Our CAUSE is the cause of the millions of Oromo farmers whose lives and livelihoods are about to be wiped out by the Habesha-drafted Addis Ababa Master Plan. When we stay UNITED and wage the nonviolent struggle, we defeat those with bullets, tanks and warplanes in a matter of days. Generations of Oromo activists and singers have spoken and sung about ‘Tokkummaa,’ and they have done that for this moment. RISE IN UNISON – ALL OF US TOGETHER. UNITED WE WIN, DIVIDED/ISOLATED WE LOSE. #OromoProtests with‪#‎OneVoiceOneCause‬

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