Oduu Haaraya

FIO’s Statement on Current situation in Oromia


FIO is highly concerned about the current situation in Oromia. The wave of protest throughout

Oromia against the well-established tyrant regime is now nearing its fourth month. During

these four months the EPRDF/TPLF regime has been trying to suppress the peaceful protesters

of the Oromo people using force and has done so time again. The regime has vowed to crash

the peaceful protesters with full force. This is what concerns FIO. With the so called full force

which the regime has already utilized and is still utilizing, it is going to massacre the Oromo

people. Regardless of the vow of the government the Oromo people specifically the youth has

been more aggressive and are joining their forces for self-protection and save the Oromo

people from the genocide that is going to be carried out by the repressive TPLF/EPRDF

The TPLF/EPRDF regime has no respect for any loss of life. It has used many ways to crackdown

on Oromo protesters by firing live ammunition at the crowds killing as many as 300 people thus

far. This devilish acts has been reported by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, VOA,

BBC News , European Parliament (on the situation of Ethiopia 2016) , and other respected

higher educational institutes have all criticized such incidents that have chilling effect and

undermines democratic societies of the world. Despite the killings, mass torture and detention

the Oromo people came out strong once again. The most recent peaceful resistance in Arsi,

Shewa, Wollega, Hararge, Borena, Guji and Wolo regions in the last two week did not only show


this strength but also paved away for intensified and coordinated self-defense for the Oromo

people. This movement also showed the weakness of the TPLF/EPRDF regime and failed their

policy of dividing and ruling.

In addition, the intensified and continued uprising reframed the question of the Oromo people.

At this moment the question of the Oromo people is beyond the proposed Master Plan. The

Oromo people are saying no to the twenty-five years of repression, agony and displacement

and are requiring the TPLF/EPRDF regime to leave Oromia in no time. Felix Horne, an

Ethiopian and Eritrean researcher for Human Rights Watch, wrote “While government

development for Addis Ababa Master Plan sparked the protest, they are about larger issues …

“in fact he is right about that. The Oromos demand is much more beyond the Integrated Addis

Ababa Master Plan, the Oromo have gone more than half way in fighting for their right and in

doing so they have paid all the necessary sacrifices and are still paying and will continue the

tough fight until they reach their destination.

As a political organization, the Front for Independence of Oromia (FIO) calls on:

1/ The Oromo People

To unite and fight for self-protection more than anytime. FIO will partake in any aspects

of the movements in Oromia and relentless support the struggle that you make for self-
protection. FIO would like to reiterate its continual support of your peaceful protest and at the

same time honors all fallen Oromo heroes for their ultimate sacrifice, and encourage others to

pursue the vision they had laid down for us. You have been deprived of all human rights, denied

the right to utilize your own land and robbed all your natural resources. The brutality of the

TPLF/EPRDF regime can only be reversed through the course that you are engaged in and FIO is

hopeful that and the enemy will be defeated. As a peace loving nation you have already

shown a leadership in collaborating and working with the nations and nationalities. FIO

encourages you to continue doing so in every step of your fight against the tyrant TPLF/EPRDF

regime. Over the last twenty-five years the minority ruled TPLF/EPRDF repressive regime has


made all the attempts to undermine your struggle for freedom and justice on your own land. It

is obvious that the regime is going to continue doing so. The choices made by the regime in the

past and its plan in the future to use every effort to crack down your struggle has left no option

for you. As a people you are left with a single option of fighting your enemy to the end. FIO

once again reaffirm with you that it will involve in taking out the enemy in all aspects.

2/ Nations and nationalities in the Ethiopain Empire

The tyrant and merciless TPLF/EPRDF regime killed, tortured and displaced the peace

loving Oromo people and forced it into the situation in today. It is also vowing to crash the

peacfully protesting Oromos. The Oromo people belives nations and nationalities in the Empire

are equally oppressed and aliented by this regime as the Oromos. As a political Organization

FIO belives in the freedom of nations and nationalites. Despite the efforts of the Oromo people,

the TPLF/EPRDF regime instigated conflicts beteween the Oromo people and other nations and

nationalities and used those conflicts to strengethen itself. This has helped only the tyrant. FIO,

on behalf of the Oromo people, calls on all nations and nationalites to learn from the past and

stand with the Oromo people in the fight with the tyrant TPLF/EPRDF regime.

3/ The intenational community

The oppressive TPLF/EPRDF regime has killed over 300 Oromos in the past three

months, thouthands disappeared and thouthands were taken to unknown and known military

detention centers. Those who were killed included children that are only eight years old. When

this all is not enough the terrorizing regime is vowing to crash peacefully protesting and self-
defending Oromo people. FIO is highly concerened about the situation in Oromia at this time

and the future is getting dark. The Oppressive regime has intensified its brutal actions. Cities

are under military seige. Schools are not operating and daily activity of indviduals has become


almost impossible in Oromia. Once again, FIO calls on international community to stop the

regime from its brutal acts.

Oromia Shall be Free

Freedom and Justice to the Oppressed nations and nationalites

Front for Independence of Oromia (FIO)


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