Oduu Haaraya

Oromo Benefit Concert Invitation: Action Required

Dear fellow Oromos,


As you all know, this is a critical time for our people. Our brothers and sisters back home are in a catastrophic situation, and are in dire need of our assistance. They need immediate help from all of us.


Since this round of protests started, in November 2015, the government violence has been continuous and rampant across all regions of Oromia. Today, unprecedented danger is looming over the heads of our people as they sacrifice everything for their rights and liberties. Living abroad in the safety of democracy, we have a moral and ethical obligation to stand with them.


To support this cause, which is on our minds and close to our hearts, we will be holding a charity event to raise funds to rehabilitate the injured and wounded victims, and to provide financial support for the families of the deceased. This historic Oromo Benefit Concert will be held on Saturday, March 19th, 2016 (8pm-3am) at The Fillmore Silver Spring (8656 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910). The Fillmore is a famous concert hall that regularly hosts big-name artists and national acts, and we are excited to bring our cause to this renowned venue.


As an important part of our community, we would like to cordially invite you to be part of this unique and historic Oromo Benefit Concert. This event is intended to raise funds which will be used to help the victims of the ongoing atrocities in Oromia and their families. In addition to being an important financial contribution, your attendance will also give an additional voice to the cause of our people.


If you are not able to attend the benefit concert, you can show solidarity and support in other ways:

  • Share information about this event with your network, send out an email through your list-serve, and encourage your members to attend

  • Make a money transfer to the Macha-Tulama Association Emergency Fund

Account #: 446031130697

               Routing #: 052001633


If you would like to send a donation on behalf of your organization to this event, to show our appreciation, your organization’s name and donation amount will be acknowledged on stage the night of the benefit concert. Note that your donation is tax deductible.


Your support is greatly appreciated. For more information, email machatulama.usa@gmail.com or call (202) 247-7226 or (240) 876-3268.

Please reply to this letter.


Macha-Tulama Cooperative and Development Association, USA

Oromo Benefit Concert Organizing Committee

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