Oduu Haaraya

The ongoing massacre of civilians in Oromia is deliberately planned and executed by top officials of the ruling regime.

Heenok Gabbisaa

Member of Parliament (MP) and a ranking member of the ruling regime disclosed today that the ongoing massacre of civilians in Oromia is deliberately planned and executed by top officials of the ruling regime.

Ato Hangassa Ibrahim is a loyal member of the ruling Biltsiginna regime and a current member of the parliament.

In a self-broadcasting video from his residence in Addis Ababa, MP Angassa Ibrahim spilled the beans earlier today. He told the world that the governor of Oromia region is the principal person in the ongoing joint criminal enterprise which is wiping out civilians in several thousands every day.

The governor of Oromia’s region is Mr. Shimelis Abdisa, seen in the screenshot below. He is also among the leading executive member of the ruling regime – also the party of MP Angassa Ibrahim.

Major international medias including BBC, AP, Reuters have been reporting on the news of mass execution of civilians in Wallaggaa without any reasonable journalistic investigation required of the profession. They were prematurely whitewashing the regime’s unclean hands before the MP came out today with such a mammoth information of the inside scheme.

The MP also relayed in his video that, because of his courage to whistleblow the scheme, his reasonable fear and constant state of apprehension that he might anytime be vulnerable to assassination by the governor’s group.

It has to be recalled that 14 elderly leaders from Karrayyuu Oromo were executed a few months ago under a direct command responsibility of governor Shimelis Abdisa.

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