Oduu Haaraya




Statement of the United Front for Independent Oromia (UFIO)
on recent talks with the Ethiopian Government

June 13, 2018- Brigadier General Kamal Galchu, Chairman of the UFIO and Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime
Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia have recently held a meeting and sincerely
exchanged opinions on the issues related to the political changes and the reform process in our country.
Although this unprecedented meeting was the first between the two leaders, the preliminary discussion
was very productive and positive. Above all, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s resolve and commitment
to an all-inclusive political system is indicative of an epochal shift in Ethiopian political system.
Therefore, UFIO is encouraged by this shift and exhilarated by the bold and positive steps the
government has recently taken to reform the political landscape. Consequently, UFIO believes that the
fast unfolding political change in our country coupled with the government’s view of the opposition
parties “not as an enemy but as a competitors”, is creating a conducive political environment for our
organization, as well as for others, to peacefully operate in the country.
Since this shift is congruent with our peaceful conflict resolution policy, UFIO primarily has decided to
engage in dialogue with the government. UFIO also commits to hold follow-on dialogues with the
government. Toward this end, The UFIO delegation are due to arrive in Ethiopia very soon. We hope
that this constructive engagement with the government will pave the road for genuine democracy in

Ethiopia where all its citizens enjoy their God given unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit
of Happiness.

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