Oduu Haaraya

Ibsa Ijjannoo hirmaattota Miseensoota TBOJ fi Hawwasa Oromoo Biyya Jarmani, Frankfurt

Sadasaa 10 bara 2013

Guyyaa FDG Tokkummaa Barattoota Oromoo
Jarmanii (TBOJ) Sadasaa 10 bara 2013 saatii 13:00 irraa egalee waaree
booda amma saatii 19 :00 magaalaa Frankfurt, galma Universitii Joon
Volfigaang kessatti haala owwan geggefame milkiin xumuramee jira.
Kaayyoon waligayii: 1ffaa Guyyaa FDG kabajinee ooluuf akkasumas
waadaa QBOf gale haaromffachuuf fi QBO waan dandeenyen uttubuuf
2ffaa haala qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO) yeroo ammaa irratti
mariyatuun hubannoo siyasaa argatuu ture…

Walgayiin kuni ergii Eebbaan mangudoon banamee boodee, Alaabaa
teenyaf Jaallan keenya warren FDG irrati lubbuu isaan darbef shamaa
qabsisuun faaruu alaabaa Oromiyaa gamtaan farffamee, booda miseensi
gumii sabaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO), Jaallee Aster Gammadaa
mata duree “Guyyaa Finciilaa Diddaa Gabrummaa fi walumaa galati haala
QBO keessa turteef keessa jirtuu’’ ibsaa balinaan hirmaatota waligayiif dhiyessan. Itti fufuun Obbo Dejanee Abdisaa Janna mata duree harmaan gadi kana irrati balinaan ibsa kenanii jiru.
Oromoia Students Movement and the Current Trends of Oromo Youths and Intellectuals.
A paper presented on the commemorate of the popular student uprising known as the Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa (Revolt Against Subjugation), 10th November,2013
By: Dejene Abdissa Janna

This term paper highlights only the tip of many challenges about what happens in Maekalwi and other torture prisons since many Oromos who end up in Ethiopia’s torture prisons barely survive to tell the stories, as in the case of the recent victimer Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda and thousands of others who died from barbaric acts of torture inflicted up on them for purposes of extracting information and for many other reasons, including for terrorizing the victims and making them spectacles of violence to discourage other actually or potentially strong Oromos (October , 2013 Oromo Press).
It’s not new or surprising that Ethiopia is party to many treaties and conventions on torture and human rights violations. What is surprising is the lack of will among the so-called international community to disinvest from Ethiopia or to enforce regional and international laws to end the kind of torture that singles out members of a single ethnic group.
Reports can expose injustice and making headlines can make us happy temporarily, but as long as they are not followed-up by international or regional actions, they just raise our hopes and disappoint us more, but we still need them so the stories of those people who have paid heavy prices are not lost in vain. We wait hopefully for actions to follow words while also reinvigorating our will and ability to come forward and tell these crucial stories (Human Rights Watch, 2013).
Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa (Revolt Against Subjugation)

The popular student uprising known as the Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa (meaning the “Revolt Against Subjugation”) was suddenly broke out on November 09, 2005 following the failed 2005 Ethiopian election in which the Oromo was denied any meaningful representation. The popular revolt started on November 09, 2005 following a call by the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) to Oromo students and the entire Oromo people to peacefully oppose the government and bring to the forefront the demands of democracy, justice, and most importantly, the realization of the right of the Oromo people to self-determination (The Reporter, 13 November, 2005).
The Conditions of Oromo Prisoners and Tourturing in Prison Centers
Today, there are more than 30,000 Oromos jailed and being torturing in Ethiopian prison centers being suspected of Oromo Liberation Front members and supporters.
Prominent Oromo individuals, scholars, civil servants, businessmen/women, teachers and students, farmers are being murdered, detained, kidnapped, displaced and harassed for no crime committed. According to Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition  (2010/2011 cited in Ayyaantuu.com, 2011), Ethiopia contributes 47.8 percent of the world’s torture survivors who flee to the U.S.,making Ethiopia the number one country in Africa and the world with the most numerous torture survivors of the 13 countries listed. Regional human rights abusers such as Eritrea and Sudan contribute 6.5 and 2.2 percent respectively. Of the 47.8 percent torture survivors from Ethiopia, the overwhelming majority who have come forward and testified are Oromo survivors.
The TPLF-led regime mainly targets the Oromo people and oromia because of their economic resources and political resistance. Because the Oromo occupy Ethiopia’s richest areas and cover nearly half of the population of Ethiopia, they are seen as the greatest threat to the present Tigrean-led government. Subsequently, any indigenous Oromo organizations and independent Medias have been closed by the government. In an effort to destroy all peaceful Oromo movements and institutions in Ethiopia, the TPLF regime attacked all Oromo civil society members and Medias including the famous Mecha Tulema association, the OFDM and Jimma Times and Urji newspapers. We should not forget what the Macca Tulama members and oromo Journalists and activists have suffered for the last 21 years under TPLF and we always remember their peaceful struggle for justice of Oromo people in Ethiopia (Human Rights Watch, 2013: 34).

Now a days, the Oromo people can’t live in their own country and on their own land ; they are unable to cultivate, trade, produce and study in peace and freedom, the natural resources of the Oromo people and its land and minerals are on sale to foreign investors , and leaving all Oromos and our country Oromia in poverty, sadly Productive Oromo youngsters and innovative minds are being dragged to prisons and several thousands  are forced to exiles in fear of persecution, speaking for justice as an oromo  is entirely seen as an act of  terrorism in today’s Ethiopia ( Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa,2013).
Genocide of Oromo Intellectuals

Being educated can be a risky business in Ethiopia especially if you are from ethnic group of Oromo. Students and teachers, are often among the most politically active elements of society, and are frequent victims of human rights violations including extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrest, and denial of freedom of association and expression. The present Ethiopian leaders (TPLF) have targeted the academic community of Oromos now a days and this can be stated as genocide based on article 2 of 1948 UN convention on genocide.
According to international conventions, genocide is the planned destruction of any economic, political or a social group. Such kind organized destruction of Oromo nationalists, Oromo Medias, journalists and the whole leaderships are characterized as genocide.
Article 2 of 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishmentof the Crime of Genocide states as follow:
Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Oromo refugees and asylum seekers who escaped such gross human right violation and dispersed to neighboring countries like Kenya, Somaliland and Djibouti are being abducted and forcefully sent back to Ethiopia by the request of TPLF security agents who are working crossing the border in Kenya, Somaliland and Djibouti . The TPLF security forces hunting down prominent oromos by crossing the international border to take them back to Ethiopia and locking them in prison for the rest of their lives- or killing them, as a number of international Human right organizations repeatedly witnessed in their recent reports, those who sent back to Ethiopia were being tortured, sentenced and murdered in Ethiopian prison.
The recent detaintion of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda in the kalliti prison center, held in solitary confinement, with no access to medical treatment and severe beatings for nearly two years which resulted in his death in August 2013 in such inhuman way is witnessing the continuity of TPLF government targeting and hunting down of highly qualified Oromo elites and nationalists as wild animals.
Therefore, this all systematic genocidal war waged on the Oromo people  needs an urgent solution  and needs an urgent intervention from all sectors of the Oromo society ,oromo political organizations ,oromo nationalists and oromo activists  to stand up together and fire up the struggle to bring an end to this era of darkness and genocidal in Oromia.
Options for Oromo youths and intellectuals now a day
A. B. C. D.

A. Being tourturing in prison center B. Being eaten by wild animals while fleeing
C. Sinking in ocean than sinking in prison center
D. Too sad underage children (voice of the voiceless) in prison center instead of schooling

Oromia Shall Liberate!!

mata-duree kana jalatti haala garaa jabinaan
mootummaan Ethiopia ajeechaa fi hiidhaa akkasumas jireenyan
mankaraarisuu Umataa Oromoo irrati gageessaa ture fi jiru akkasumas
Oromoo Biyya baqatee ree akka duuti isa irra gaha jiru ibsaa balaa
hirmaatoota walga’iif xiinxala siyaasaa dhiyesaniru. ibsa kennun ergi
xummuramee booda hirmaattooti walgayiis gaaffiilee fi yaada ijaaroo
dhiheessuun mariin gadi fagenyaan mata duree lamanuu kana jaallan dhiiyaate irratti geggefameera.
Ibsa ejjennoo Walga’ii Guyyaa FDG
Nuti miseensotiin TBOJ fi hawaasa Oromoo walgayii Guyyaa FDG
kana hirmaannee ture haala siyaasaa QBO irratti ergi mariyanneen
booda, ummata Oromoo fi Oromiyaa sirna gabiromfannaa
(kolonii) bara ammaa motummaa Habashaa, gartuu wayaaneen
(TPLFn) hogganamaa jiru, jalatti gidirfamaa jiru bilisomsuuf
qabsoo hadhooftuu hogganummaa jaarmaa ABOn geggefamaa jiru
gutummaan tumsaa, gumaata nuu irraa barbaadamu gama
maraan kennuuf qophii ta`uu kenya ni mirkaneessina.
1.QBO hirmannaa ummata Oromoo fi hogganummaa ABOn
geggefamaa jiruu ni deggerra!
2.Qabsoo hidhannoo, siyasaa, fi dipilomasii ABO geggessaa jiru
diinagideen ni utubna!
3.Qabsoo fincila diddaa gabirummaa karaa qerroo Oromiyaa,
barattotaa, fi ummata Oromoo geggefamaa jiru waan nu irraa
barbaachisu maraan ni tumsina!
4.Sagalee QBO haala hundaa kessatti firotaa fi dinoota ni dhageessifina!
5.Saamichaa fi shororkaa ummata Oromoo irratti dinoti fi farreen
QBO raawataa jiraatan injifachuuf hubannoo fi kutannoon
sagantaa QBO milkomsuuf heera jaarmaa ni tiksina! 6.Hogganummaa jaarmaalee QBO itichuun (qindeesun) ilaalcha
siyaasaa tokkoomeen (walitumsuun) qabsaawuf waamicha ABO
labsee ni deggerra!
7.Yakkoota dhittaa mirga-namomaa fi Ajeechaa fi dhaabin nama
mankaraarsuu ummata Oromoo irratti karaa motummaa
gabironfataa TPLF (wayaanee) raawatamaa jiru ni balaaleffanna!!!
8.Hogganummaa motummaa wayaaneen yakkoota dhiittaa mirga
namaa ummata Oromoo irratti raawatamaa jiru hambisuuf akka
hawaasoti Adunyaa dhibbaa godhan ni gaafanna!
9.Lammii Oromiyaa kanneen meeshaa motummaa TPLF ta`uun
yakkoota hiriyaa hin qabne ummata Oromoo irratti raawachisuun
sirna motummaa Habashootaa tiksuuf boojiyamtan akka gara
moraa QBO makamuun mirga abbaa biyyummaa ummata Oromoo
kabachisuuf qabsooftan waamicha ilaalcha Oromummaa hundeefate isiniif erginerra!!!!!

Injifatnnoon ummata Oromoof!

Hirmaattota Walga’ii guyyaa FDG miseensaa TBOJ , Konyaa ABO FfM fi akkasumas
Hawwas Oromoo (Jarmanii, Frankfurt, Sadasaa 10 bara 2013

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